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an idle nsdoc thought

since nsDoc is now included in the snapshots in ~ns/doc/, surely
making it as the last part of the install would be a good idea, would
encourage familiarity with the documentation, and would encourage
people to contribute to the documentation? Bonus points for spawning a
dvi viewer at end and shoving the docs inyerface.

Oh, and that would mean latex2html is a required dependency and should
be listed on the downloads page.


is currently looking for a lot of missing style files:
pstricks.sty, pst-node.sty
and more undefined references and citations than he knows what to do

* If you have changed the tex files, and generated new
* postscript documentation, please compress (using gzip)
* and copy it over to your www directory, as www/ns/nsDoc.ps.gz
* and check in the new documentation.
* Also, please update the "last updated" field in *
l *
* -- Thanks

not very third-party how-to-contribute...

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>