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Problem with queue-monitor and tracefile...

Hi to everybody,
thanks for your answers....
Haboo I don't succeed in understanding a thing  concern the object
Seeing the file ns-allinone-2.1b5/ns-2.1b5/tcl/ex/snoop/utils.tcl I have
understood that the syntax is:

 $ns monitor-queue ($node1 $node2 queuetraces sampleInterval)

node1 and node2 specify the link where I have climbed on the queue from
to check...
What are queuetrace and sampleInterval???
Besides thing I have to add for seeing the middle length of the queue
every microsecond of the simulation, do I suppose must be calculated
through the class integrator and done save on a file trace but as it is
To save the data on a trace file seems that I must follow this way

open file :

set f [open. /output/out.tr w]

and to add information:

puts $f "$now [that I want to save] "

It exists from some part a files of example that can explain to me as it
is used queue-monitor and integrator seen and considered that going on
ns-lib or making a search with grep I haven't succeeded in finding a
script tcl that let me understand how it really works....

Thanks in advance for the answer
Vincent Mazzotta
([email protected])
org:FIB - UPC (Catalunya Politecnic University) - Spain;Computer Arquitecture (AC)
adr:;;Calle Sancho Marraco 4 , 3� 2�;Barcelona;BCN;08004;Spain
email;internet:[email protected]
title:Carrer Final Project (Doble Tiulation)
fn:Vincenzo Mazzotta