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Re: Using NS on NT

According to an email posted by Tan Yuan Sin <[email protected]>, if you
have 'source ns-autoconf.tcl' in tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl, since this file is
not available under win32 tcl2c++ will somehow mess up and generate an
almost empty gen/ns_tcl.cc. Solution is to comment out that line in

- Haobo

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Lalla, David wrote:

> Hello,
> I having some problems installing ns on an NT machine, and 
> was hoping for some assistance.
> I was able to get NS to build, but in trying to run the executable
> with the example.tcl script, I get the following error:
> _o1: unable to dispatch method node
>     while executing
> "$ns node"
>     <file "example.tcl" line 41>
> I get similar errors when I try to use the example1.tcl script as listed
> in Marc Greis's tutorial, except it complains about namtrace-all.
> In addition, when I type the following command, I get nothing back:
>     >ns
>     % Simulator info instprocs
>     %
> I did download the already compiled versions, and doing the same
> commands was able to get an actual listing, so there seems to be 
> something missing from my executable (note that it is 659, 456 bytes, 
> while the precompiled version is 1 ,414, 144 bytes).  However, in
> referring back to the makefiles, I am unable to do find a problem (my
> modifications to the makefiles were closely based on the makefiles
> used by Matthew Marchant).
> Specifically, I am working with the following component versions:
>     tcl-8.0.5
>     tk-8.0.5
>     otcl-1.0a4
>     tclcl-1.0b8-current (latest version; also tried tclcl-1.0b8)
>     ns-2.1b6-current (latest version; also tried ns-2.1b5)
>     Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
>     Microsoft NT 4.0
> I appreciate any input/recommendations...
> Thank you,
> David Lalla
> [email protected]