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Re: CBQ activation question

Well I think your guess is right. CBQ cannot be activated by merely setting
the queue type to CBQ. You need to build the class structure for the link.
In addition to this you have to bind all flows to classes. The following 
would be useful to do the same


"new CBQClass" to instantiate new classes

"$some_class setparams ..." - to set the parameters from the classes

"$link insert $some_class" - to indicate this class is to be used in this
links class structure

"$some_class install-queue $some_q " to install a queue for a leaf class,
generally a droptail queue.

"$link bind $class $f1 [$f2]" to bind flow f1 to class or the range of
flows from f1 to f2 inclusive to the class associated to the specified

You can read the NS man page for the exact parameters you might need
and it also has pointer to the reference material on CBQ.



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On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Dr. Miroslav I. Klun wrote:

> The network
>            0                   4
>             \                 /
>              \               /
>               2 ----------->3
>              /               \
>             /                 \
>            1                   5
> sends data traffic from node 0 to node 4 (flow 0),
> and data traffic from node 1 to node 5 (flow 1).
> The flows are specified by the usual
> $source0 set fid_ 0
> $source1 set fid_ 1
> The link from 2 to 3 is simplex, specified by
> $ns simplex-link $S $R 0.384Mb 2ms CBQ
> All the other links are duplex, with DropTail queues.
> However, running the ns on this file produces the following error message:
> START time 0
> ns: _o92 unknown-flow 0 196608 0 0:
>     (_o92 cmd line 1)
>     invoked from within
> "_o92 cmd unknown-flow 0 196608 0 0"
>     invoked from within
> "catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
>     (procedure "_o92" line 2)
>     (SplitObject unknown line 2)
>     invoked from within
> "_o92 unknown-flow 0 196608 0 0"
> On the other hand, replacing  CBQ  by any of one of  DropTail, FQ, SFQ,
> DRR, or RED works properly!!!
> It seems that I am missing something in trying to activate CBQ:  perhaps
> typing a mere "CBQ" for type is not sufficient, the manual page instructions
> notwithstanding.
> Could anyone please give me a hint as to what might be the problem?
> Thank you.
> Miroslav I. Klun
> Network Infrastructure Laboratory
> GTE Labs
> Waltham, MA
> (781)466-3830