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Question about CMUTrace objects.


 I have a question about CMUTrace objects in MobileNode

I am using ns-2.1b5 for my research, and I have tried
~ns/tcl/ex/wireless.tcl for excample.
 It works, but in my trace file, there is only movement
infomation was writtten. Just like this,
M 0.00000 50 (389.15, 135.17, 0.00), (980.77, 258.91), 16.04
M 0.00000 49 (594.42, 281.89, 0.00), (1001.75, 206.83), 14.95
M 0.00000 48 (485.88, 63.15, 0.00), (260.39, 16.42), 8.09
M 0.00000 47 (81.41, 237.01, 0.00), (952.06, 102.89), 19.72
M 0.00000 46 (923.57, 14.68, 0.00), (1067.65, 125.52), 9.88
M 0.00000 45 (234.35, 181.87, 0.00), (1386.88, 147.53), 10.78
M 0.00000 44 (261.48, 82.50, 0.00), (1389.91, 286.60), 18.46
 This trace file does not contain any infomation about
packets. And I do need packet infomation, as it from
cmu-extendedns.  Like
SF 22.473590906 _20_ --- 2 [20 -> 18] [|20 18 ]
s 22.473590906 _20_ RTR  --- 2 DSR 36 [0 0 0 0 0] ------- [20:255 18:255 255 18] 2 [0 1 0] [1 1 2 18->20] [0 0 0 0->0]
r 22.476147953 _18_ RTR  --- 2 DSR 36 [20 a3 12 14 800] ------- [20:255 18:255 255 18] 2 [0 1 0] [1 1 2 18->20] [0 0 0 0->0]
SRR 22.476147953 _18_ reply-received 1 from 20  18 #1 -> 20 [(18) 20 ]
s 22.476147953 _18_ RTR  --- 0 cbr 540 [0 0 0 0 0] ------- [18:1 20:0 32 20] [0] 0 1
r 22.479637544 _20_ RTR  --- 0 cbr 540 [20 a3 14 12 800] ------- [18:1 20:0 32 20] [0] 1 1
r 22.479637544 _20_ AGT  --- 0 cbr 540 [20 a3 14 12 800] ------- [18:1 20:0 32 20] [0] 1 1
 To get a result like this, I have to use CMUTrace objects
in my scripts, but I could not find the way to enable it.

 With source code of cmu-extendns-1.1.0. I have found
following problems.

1.In file ~ns/tcl/ex/wireless.tcl #66
 MacTrace is OFF.  It must be ON

2.In ~ns/tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl #121 (in function Node/MobileNode)
 Code related to CMUTrace was commented out.

 It seems I cannot use CMUTrace with default settings. 
What should I do to use CMUTrace object in ns2? 
Or should I use cmu-extened one instead?

 Thanks for your help

Toshiro Hikita <[email protected]>
Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo