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deleting multiclassifier info for one group


I need to delete multicast information completely from a router, so that
handle-cache-miss will be called again, next time a multicast packet from
the group arrives at the node.

When I use 'unset' to delete the replicator, plus cancel the PruneTimers,
that is not enough.  The $multiclassifier_ contains information about the
multicast group's original interface.  How do I delete the information
for that group from the $multiclassifier?


This is the code I'm currently using to delete the replicator:

set tmp [$Node getRepByGroup $multicastGroup]
if {$tmp != ""} {
  foreach t $tmp {
	$t reset 
$Node unset repByGroup_($multicastGroup)
$Node unset replicator_($srcID:$multicastGroup)

This code gets rid of the PruneTimers:

if [info exists PruneTimer_($srcID:$multicastGroup:$tmpoif)] {
  $ns cancel $PruneTimer_($srcID:$multicastGroup:$tmpoif) 
  unset PruneTimer_($srcID:$multicastGroup:$tmpoif) 
