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NS Tutorial available on-line

The MANIC project at the University of Massachusetts is pleased to announce
that the NS tutorial delivered in Berkeley on June 14th, 1999, is now
available on-line at: http://manic.cs.umass.edu/

The tutorial is presented as streaming audio (using RealAudio technology)
synchronized with HTML slides. We have added several features (jump to a
specific slide, jump to a specific part of the tutorial, keyword search)
that make perusal of the tutorial material easy.

To view the tutorial (rather, to listen to it - there is no video), you
will need a Win95/98/NT system, with Netscape and the RealAudio plugin. 

We are working on a version to support Linux/Solaris users.

The MANIC project team would appreciate your feedback regarding this
effort.  For technical problems, contact Gary Wallace at [email protected]. 
For general feedback, suggestions etc. contact Prof. Rick Adrion at 
[email protected].

We would like to thank Kevin Fall, Polly Huang and other members of the MASH
project for their cooperation in making available the slides and the audio 
of the tutorial. 

- Jitendra Padhye