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Re: Delay and Jitter Values

Hi Carlos,

> Please, what is the best way to get packet transmission delay and jitter
> values  from a TCP (or UDP) agent ?

Probably not the best way, but I wrote some code that implements a kind of
component that can be slotted into the network that records packet
transmission time (from the source) and packet reception time (at the
component) and logs to a file. If you install the component just before
the destination node, then it can log the time it took the packet to
traverse the network. It's very stupid - it doesn't do any other
processing - I do this after the simulation.

If you're interested let me know.


Sean Murphy,			Email: [email protected]
Teltec Ireland,			Phone: +353-1-7045080
DCU, Dublin 9,			Fax:   +353-1-7045092