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Re: Couldn't compile ns,help!

Did you look at www-mash.CS.Berkeley.EDU/ns/ns-win32-build.html?


> Hi, everyone:
>  I have download the relevant files for compiling
> ns(tcl8.0.4, tk8.0.4, tclcl, otcl,etc., each compiled smoothly
> under Windows98).
>  when I prepared to compile the ns project using VC++ 6.0
>  ( the preparation work includes:
>  1.compiled each of the necessary project mentioned above first.
>  2.changed the name of makefile.vc to makefile.mak.
>  3.opened the makefile.mak in VC++ 6.0.
>  4.modified the relevant path informations in the makefile.mak.
>  5.began the compile process.)
> everything went all right at first, but soon I met some problems:
>  1.the compiler complained that it doesn't know how to deal
>    with the file "process.o", I found the corresponding entry
>    in the makefile.win and commented it out.
>  2.after I began to "rebuile all", the compiler informed that 
>    it just couldn't find the .\ptypes2tcl, I checked the file,
>    and found that it was in the root directory of the ns
>     directory. So, this time I delete the '.\' and let 'ptypes2tcl'
>           left.
>  3.rebuild again, this time the compiler just said :
>    link -LIBPATH:C:\Progra~1\Micros~2\VC98\lib /NODEFAULTLIB      
>    oldnames.lib kernel32.lib  ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib advapi32.lib          
>    -out:ptypes2tcl.exe ptypes2tcl.o
>    ptypes2tcl > gen\\ptypes.cc
>    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'F:\netsim\ns2\ptypes2tcl.exe' :      
>    return code '0x20'
>      I am almost exhausted. Is there anybody who can tell me what I should do?
>                              thanks!!
>  please contact me at the email address:[email protected]