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problem compiling ns,help!


I am HuangPeng, a student in BUAA(Beijing University of
Aeronautics and Astronautics).

Several days ago, I deliverd the article 'Couldn't compile ns',
with Satish's help (Thank you Satish), I have solved some of the
problem, but there's still some problem to be solved.

I have download the makefile samples from www-mash.CS.Berkeley.EDU/ns/ns-win32-build.html, and modified each 
corresponding file according to the direction.

when I tried to compile the newly modified one, the compiler
informed that
        -out:ptypes2tcl.exe ptypes2tcl.o
    ptypes2tcl > gen\\ptypes.cc
    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'F:\netsim\ns2\ptypes2tcl.exe' :      
    return code '0x20'
then the compiler stoped.
(I try to run ptypes2tcl.exe in the Dos mode, it works fine)

when I pressed the build button again, this time the compiler
passed with ns.exe generated.

I tried to run the ns.exe with a normal tcl script, the ns just said "couldn't dispatch namtrace-all during execution"

What's wrong with it? Can you tell me and give some help?

(I am working on Windows98 and using VC++ 6.0)

thanks !
                                        [email protected] 

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