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Re: Number of Nodes limitation ?


I am assuming you are using the latest release (ns2.1b5).  You have
two choices: 

1) Change the addressing mode from default to expanded

	$ns set-addressing-format expanded

2) Download the latest snapshot


>>> "Bongho" == Bongho  <Kim> writes:

Bongho> Hi, All I have a network with more than 300 nodes.  NS gave an
Bongho> error because a parameter for the number of nodes are set to 7
Bongho> bits.  How can I change this parameter? or How can I create a
Bongho> big network?

Bongho> Thank You in advance.

Bongho> Bong Ho Kim Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies 732-332-6831
Bongho> [email protected]