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Re: question about flowmon

> How could you safely remark flowids elsewhere to cut the slot table
> down to two entries - one interesting flow and one flow of
> uninteresting stuff?
> L.
> hey, it's just aggregation, right?
> <[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>

I'm not sure if I've understood your points. What I was asking was: is it
necessary to build up another monitor class? Let's call it SingleFlowMon,
whose job is similar to the FlowMon, so it still needs to classify every
packet that pass through it. The difference is, here we only monitor (or
build record for) those flow(s) that we are interested in, and simply
ignor other flows. 


Guo, Liang.