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Links characteristics, bandwidth, delay,...

Hi all,

I'm evaluating the performance of multicast protocols in ns.
I have used Tiers 1.1 to generate random topologies, 10Mbps
for LAN-LAN links, 8.448Mbps (E2) for MAN-MAN and MAN-WAN, 34,368Mbps
(E3) for WAN-WAN and 2,048Mbps (E1) for LAN-WAN, based on the
topology used by Markus Hoffman and Christop Hanle in "Performance
of Reliable Multicast Protocols using the Network Simulator ns-2".
The links I have generated are symetric, with the same bandwidth  for
each direction.
I'm trying now to evaluate the protocols over asymetric links, but I
information about the links in the Internet, if they are asymetric, and
its bandwidths.
Could anyone give me any information?

Many Thanks,
