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Re: FullTcp and DelAck

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 [email protected] wrote:

>    Could anyone please tell me if ns currently supports the 
> delayed ACK sink (Agent/TCPSink/DelAck) with the FullTcp 
> agents (Agent/TCP/FullTcp)? (Till ns-2.1b4 at least it
> does not support). Thanks a lot,

The answer is 'no', but only because that's not how you use FullTcp.
You're confusing one-way and FullTcp; a FullTcp agent talks only to
another FullTcp agent, and is completely separate from one-way TCP
sources and sinks.

You do e.g.

$fulltcp2 set segsperack_ 2

at the receiving (or both) FullTcp to control the delayed ack
response. This is the RFC1122 'should' of two segments[*], but
isn't quite the also-waiting-for-the-200ms-heartbeat as described
in Stevens AFAIK. It's as close as you'll easily get.

This worked for me in ns 2.1b5 and later. Read nsDoc 25.3 carefully.
(I ended up playing around using DelAck with the one-way sinks



[*] Mark Allman turns that into a 'must' on the first page;
    did I miss an RFC rev?

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>