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Dear all,

I'm programing a new NS MAC layer but I don't understand the way packets
are scheduled to be deliver to the mac layer.
I saw in ~ns/ll.cc code, the function sendDown(Packet *p) (that I
suppose to be responsible of delivering packets to mac..., well I'm
almost sure...):

    s.schedule(downtarget_, p, delay_);

When we use a NsObject as a Handler, which function is considered to be
the handler?.

downtarget_  is supposed to be a Queue object, say Drop/Tail... Which
mac function handles the dequeueing, if any? ~ns/ll.cc says:

    let mac decide when to take a new packet from the queue

~ns/mac-802_3.cc says:

   * This function gets called when packets are passed down from the
    * link layer.
    void Mac802_3::recv(Packet *, Handler *)..

I don't understand why and when and how thid function is called... and
who makes the call!!

Thanks in advance...

Jose Juan Iglesias Rebollo telecomunication engineer student at Escuela
Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla (Spain).