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[ns] MFTP


Any leads will certainly help !!

I have been running simulations with the current snapshot MFTP agents. I have a 
source n(0) (MFTP/Snd) and several receivers (MFTP/Rcv) [n(2),n(3),...,n(n)]. 

                        / .
              0--------1  .
                        \ .

I am subjecting the receiver links to random bit-error rates [n(1)->n(2), 
n(1)->n(3), ...., n(1)->n(n)] then computing the number of received packets at 
each receiver i.e. receipt of done-notify for each client.

It seems to me that when the bit-error rate is high (i.e. 1E-04), the receivers 
never complete receiving the file even if I increase the simulation period $ns 
at 10000 "finish" or the status limit txStatusLimit_ from 100 or 1000.

Is there any other way that I could increase the clients waiting time so that 
they can receive the full-file at higher bir-error rate and register a 
done-notify ? or could this be a bug in MFTP agents ?

-- Martin