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Re: [ns] new multicast packet header

Thanks for all the help so far, and in advance for help with this problem

Okay, now it is not giving me an error until I try to put a value into my
new header field.  If I only call the access function, as in the ping
example, there's no problem.  So this line is okay:
			hdr_alert* hdr = (hdr_alert*)pkt->access(off_alert_);

But if I add this line I get a bus error:
			hdr->orphanID = 1; 

I'm suspecting that it's because in the ns-default.tcl file I arbitrarily
assign an initial value to 'off_alert_' of 50.  Is this a mistake?

My 'alert.cc' file has this code in it, which I thought initialized
'off_alert_' to the correct value:
AlertAgent::AlertAgent() : Agent(PT_ALERT)
	//bind("size_", &packetSize_);
	bind("packetSize_", &size_);
	bind("off_alert_", &off_alert_);


> 	That ping example is old, maybe it wasn't updated to reflect the 
> changes. This is pretty much the only idea I have. But you don't have to 
> explicitly modify ns-default and recompile. I (personnaly) like to have the 
> default in my scripts so I remember their values...
> 	You have to set default values everytime you do a binding. Otherwise 
> they can be hardcoded.