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[ns] multicast variables

Hi ns-users,

I'm using a new packet and thus a new agent to send and receive packets.
After my new agent receives the packet, I'd like to first have my Node 
deal with the information from the packet, then have the
simulation act according to some variables kept within the multicast
(based on pim DM, but not exactly the same) data structure.  

I can call the Node function from the agent, since there is a 'node_'
variable within the agent.  However, I'm not able to call a pimDM
function from the node.  At first, it looked like the mcastproto_ field 
within the Node (from the Node's init) held the multicast class
instantiation... it works when I try to access the 'Node' field from the
$mcastproto_, however when I try to access the 'type' field it can't find
that, and the standard init from my version of ns2 (I'm using version 1.3)
has a type field (see below, from the init):
pimDM instproc init { sim node } {
	$self instvar ns Node type timer_ 

I have special variables and functions that I need to access (from within
the altered pimDM class) when my new agent receives certain new packets.
Can anyone give me a hint how to do this?

Thanks in advance,