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[ns] Parameters of IP?

I want to know what these parameters defined in ip.h refers to :
ns_addr_t src_; (I think it is the source of packet. But is it
filled        automatically when we send a packet or we must specify it
before sending?)
ns_addr_t dst_; (This is the destination of the packet.)
int ttl_; (what does it refer to?)
"u_int16_t sport_ ;"(what does refer to ? and what is the utlity)
"u_int16_t dport_ ;"(what does refer to ? and what is the utlity)
int fid_;
int prio_;

thank you

Koubaa Anis 
Organization : LORIA Nancy
Equipe : RESEDAS
Adresse : CU Haute Malgrange Vandeoeuvre Nancy Bloc C 528
Mail : [email protected]
Projet : Comparaison des Protocoles de cl�s de distribution de cl� de
groupe en utilisant NS