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More problems after make Re: [ns] problem with make


thanks for the reply.
I could configure and make ns, here is how I did that 

./configure --with-tcl=../tclbox --with-tk=../tkbox --with-otcl=../otcl-1.0a5
make depend

When I run 'ns' now, it dumps a lot of {debug} statements on to the
stderr. I am just including the starting lines, (the rest were instproc's,

ns: tcl error on eval of:

proc warn {msg} {
global warned_
if {![info exists warned_($msg)]} {
puts stderr "warning: $msg"
set warned_($msg) 1

if {[info commands debug] == ""} {
proc debug args {
warn {Script debugging disabled.  Reconfigure with --with-tcldebug, and

proc assert args {
if [catch "expr $args" ret] {
set ret [eval $args]
if {! $ret} {
error "assertion failed: $args"
error "assertion failed: $args"

proc find-max list {
set max 0
foreach val $list {
if {$val > $max} {
set max $val
return $max

Class Simulator
global $exe_var
set $exe_var $best
if {![file executable $best]} {
puts stderr $text
set $exe_var $alternate

checkout_executable PERL /usr/local/bin/perl perl "\
When configured, ns found the right version of perl in\
but it doesn't seem to be there anymore, so\
ns will fall back on running the first perl in your path.\
The wrong version of perl may break the test suites.\
Reconfigure and rebuild ns if this is a problem.\
-allinone-2.1b6/tclbox/bin/tclsh8.0 tclsh
When configured, ns found the right version of tclsh in\
but it doesn't seem to be there anymore, so\
ns will fall back on running the first tclsh in your path.\
The wrong version of tclsh may break the test suites.\
Reconfigure and rebuild ns if this is a problem.\


Appreciate you help.


On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Stagiaire IIE 2000 wrote:

>  First writting a new agent didn't require to reconfigure, but you can
always do 
>  it if you prefere modifying your Makefile.in rather than Makefile.
>  For your pb use configure with --with-tcl=TCL_DIR (B'cause it cannot
find your 
> tcllib dir).
> Thinking this will help,
> Alioune

****************** Sudhindra Suresh Bengeri *******************
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