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[ns] Expire Timers?

In the module timer-handler{cc,h} the expire method is define as virtual
void function.
But in the ns doc, they tell when you declaar your own timer , the
expire method is a virtual double function.
I have done like this but there is the following error  when I decalre
Send_Timer as a GKMP_Timer (my own timer that i defined) :
 cannot declare variable `Send_Timer' to be of type `GKMP_Timer'
gkmp.h:82:   since the following virtual functions are abstract:
gkmp.h:82: 	void TimerHandler::expire(class Event *)
gkmp.cc: In method `double GKMP_Timer::expire(class Event *, class
Packet *)':
gkmp.cc:32: warning: implicit declaration of function `int send(...)'
gkmp.h: In function `(static initializers for gkmp.cc)':
gkmp.h:82: no matching function for call to `GKMP_Timer::GKMP_Timer ()'
gkmp.h:80: candidates are: GKMP_Timer::GKMP_Timer(const GKMP_Timer &)
gkmp.h:76:                 GKMP_Timer::GKMP_Timer(GKMPAgent *)
can one explain me where is the problem?
Koubaa Anis 
Organization : LORIA Nancy
Equipe : RESEDAS
Adresse : CU Haute Malgrange Vandeoeuvre Nancy Bloc C 528
Mail : [email protected]
Projet : Comparaison des Protocoles de cl�s de distribution de cl� de
groupe en utilisant NS