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Re: [ns] Delay, jitter, throughtput

|How can I calculate the throughtput of a source, the end-to-end delay or
|a packet delat, the jitter.....
|Can anyone help me???
  For throughput calculation, if you are using a TCP source, you
  can use the following code in your finish() routine :
                set nbytes [$tcp_source set ack_]
                set time [expr $stop_time - $start_time]
                set thruput [expr $nbytes * $pktsize * 8 / $time ]
                puts " throughput = $thruput"
  For a CBR  source, you need to see the trace and get the  
  number of packets that have made it to the destination, and use the
  above calc. Or you can modify the Sink to do the same, and also
  for the delay/jitter.

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