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Re: [ns] Question about adding new queue type in ns2.1b6!

I tried  $ns duplex-link $ns1 $ns2 5Mb 2ms Queue/Prob
but it does not work,because it complains no Queue/Queue/Prob exists,so I think
it is not this problem.
I wonder what I should do when I want to add a new queue type,because my code is
very similiar to
DropTail . I add my code to ns source code dir and add items in Makefile and
default value in ns-default.tcl.
Do I need do more?
I wonder it complains "unblock_on_resume_" ,which is declared in queue.h ,can't
be found.But I do inherit
class Queue . Any hints are welcome!  (this mail attach my code and test file)
error followed:
>can't read "unblock_on_resume_": no such variable
>    (Object set line 1)
>    invoked from within
>"Queue/Prob set unblock_on_resume_"
>    invoked from within
>"catch "$c set $var" val"
>    (procedure "_o16" line 1)
>    (SplitObject unknown line 1)
>    invoked from within
>"$queue_ target $link_"
>    (procedure "_o17" line 24)
>    (SimpleLink init line 24)
>    invoked from within
>"_o17 init _o12 _o14 5Mb 2ms _o16"
>    (Class create line 1)
>    invoked from within
>"SimpleLink create _o17 _o12 _o14 5Mb 2ms _o16"
>    invoked from within
>"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
>    (procedure "new" line 3)
>    invoked from within
>"new SimpleLink     $n1 $n2 $bw $delay $q"
>    ("default" arm line 2)
> invoked from within
>"switch -exact $qtypeOrig {
>RTM {
>set c [lindex $args 1]
>set link_($sid:$did) [new CBQLink        $n1 $n2 $bw $delay $q $c]
>CBQ -
>if {[llen..."
>    (procedure "_o3" line 27)
>    (Simulator simplex-link line 27)
>    invoked from within
>"_o3 simplex-link _o12 _o14 5Mb 2ms Prob"
>    ("eval" body line 1)
>    invoked from within
>"eval $self simplex-link $n1 $n2 $bw $delay $type $args"
>    (procedure "_o3" line 9)
>    (Simulator duplex-link line 9)
>    invoked from within
>"$ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 5Mb 2ms Prob"
>    (file "probtest.tcl" line 11)

Tarik Alj wrote:

> Are you using this with CBQ? Try testing with a simple script first.
> I suggest you examine your constructor and the command function. Compare with
> others like DropTail for example.
> If you want you can send me your .h/.cc files and I can try looking at them.
#ifndef ns_prob_queue_h
#define ns_prob_queue_h

#include <string.h>
#include "queue.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "random.h"

class ProbQueue : public Queue {
	~ProbQueue() {
		delete q_;
	int command(int argc,const char*const* argv);
	void enque(Packet*);
	Packet* deque();
	PacketQueue *q_;
	double prob_;

#include "probqueue.h"

static class ProbQueueClass : public TclClass {
	ProbQueueClass() : TclClass("Queue/Prob") {}
	TclObject* create(int,const char*const*) {
		return(new ProbQueue);
} class_prob;

ProbQueue::ProbQueue() {
 q_=new PacketQueue;

int ProbQueue::command(int argc,const char*const* argv) {
	if (argc==2) {
		if (strcmp(argv[1],"get-curr-length")==0) {
			Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
			return TCL_OK ;
	if(argc==3) {
		if(!strcmp(argv[1],"packetqueue-attach")) {
			delete q_;
			if (!(q_ = (PacketQueue*) TclObject::lookup(argv[2])))
				return (TCL_ERROR);
			else {
				pq_ = q_;
				return (TCL_OK);

void ProbQueue::enque(Packet* p)
	double drop_prob=Random::uniform();
	if((drop_prob<prob_)||(q_->length()>=qlim_)) {

Packet* ProbQueue::deque()
	return q_->deque();
