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[ns] Error message when running rtm.tcl

When running rtm.tcl included in ~ns/tcl/rtmechanisms I get the error message
 at the bottom of this message. Can someone help me in finding what is wrong ?

Antoine B.

# simulator for router mechanisms

source mechanisms.tcl

# create:
# S1		 S3
#   \		 /
#    \		/
#    R1========R2
#    /		\
#   /		 \
# S2		 S4
# - 10Mb/s, 3ms, drop-tail
# = 1.5Mb/s, 20ms, CBQ
proc create_topology { tf af }  {
	global ns
	global s1 s2 s3 s4
	global r1 r2

	set s1 [$ns node]
	set s2 [$ns node]
	set s3 [$ns node]
	set s4 [$ns node]

	set r1 [$ns node]
	set r2 [$ns node]

	$ns duplex-link $s1 $r1 10Mb 2ms DropTail
	$ns duplex-link $s2 $r1 10Mb 3ms DropTail
	set cl [new Classifier/Hash/SrcDestFid 33]
	$ns simplex-link $r1 $r2 1.5Mb 20ms "CBQ $cl"
	set cbqlink [$ns link $r1 $r2]
	[$cbqlink queue] algorithm "formal"
	$ns simplex-link $r2 $r1 1.5Mb 20ms DropTail
	[[$ns link $r2 $r1] queue] set limit_ 25
	$ns duplex-link $s3 $r2 10Mb 4ms DropTail
	$ns duplex-link $s4 $r2 10Mb 5ms DropTail

	$cbqlink trace $ns $tf	; # trace pkts
	[$ns link $r2 $r1] trace $ns $af ; # trace acks
	return $cbqlink

proc create_source { src sink fid } {
	global ns

	set cbr1s [new Agent/CBR]
	$cbr1s set fid_ $fid
	$ns attach-agent $src $cbr1s

	set cbr1r [new Agent/LossMonitor]
	$ns attach-agent $sink $cbr1r
	$ns connect $cbr1s $cbr1r
	return $cbr1s

proc create_tcp_source { src sink fid win pktsize } {
	global ns

	set srctype TCP/Reno
	set sinktype TCPSink
	set tcp [$ns create-connection $srctype $src $sinktype $sink $fid]
	if {$pktsize > 0} {
		$tcp set packetSize_ $pktsize
	if {$win > 0} {
		$tcp set window_ $win
	return [$tcp attach-source FTP]
proc printflow f {
	puts "flow $f: epdrops: [$f set epdrops_]; ebdrops: [$f set ebdrops_]; pdrops: [$f set pdrops_]; bdrops: [$f set bdrops_]"

proc finish { tf ff } {
	global ns
	close $tf
	close $ff
	$ns instvar scheduler_
	$scheduler_ halt
	puts "simulation complete"

proc sim1 {} {
	global ns

	global s1 s2 s3 s4
	global r1 r2

	puts "starting sim1"

	set start1 1.1
	set start2 2.1
	set start3 1.3
	set start4 1.6
	set pause4 12.0
	set again4 18.0
	set endsim 30.0

	set rtt 0.06
	set mtu 512

	set ns [new Simulator]

	set tracef [open out.tr w]
	set ackf [open ack.tr w]
	set cbqlink [create_topology $tracef $ackf]

	set rtm [new RTMechanisms $ns $cbqlink $rtt $mtu]

	set gfm [$rtm makeflowmon]
	set gflowf [open gflow.tr w]
	$gfm set enable_in_ false	; # no per-flow arrival state
	$gfm set enable_out_ false	; # no per-flow departure state
	$gfm attach $gflowf

	set bfm [$rtm makeflowmon]
	set bflowf [open bflow.tr w]
	$bfm attach $bflowf

	$rtm makeboxes $gfm $bfm 100 1000
	$rtm bindboxes

	set src1 [create_tcp_source $s1 $s3 1 100 1000]
	set src2 [create_tcp_source $s2 $s4 100 100 50]
	set src3 [create_source $s1 $s4 200]
		# 500Kb/s CBR
		$src3 set packetSize_ 190
		$src3 set interval_ 0.002
	set src4 [create_source $s1 $s4 300]
		# 434Kb/s CBR
		$src4 set packetSize_ 190
		$src4 set interval_ 0.0035

	$ns at $start1 "$src1 start"
	$ns at $start2 "$src2 start"
	$ns at $start3 "$src3 start"
	$ns at $start4 "$src4 start"
	$ns at $pause4 "$src4 stop"
	$ns at $again4 "$src4 start"
	$ns at $endsim "finish $gflowf $bflowf"
	$ns run

Error message when executing rtm.tcl

invalid command name "_o48"
    while executing
"$q info class"
    (procedure "_o49" line 13)
    (SimpleLink init line 13)
    invoked from within
"_o49 init _o19 _o21 1.5Mb 20ms _o48"
    (Class create line 1)
    invoked from within
"SimpleLink create _o49 _o19 _o21 1.5Mb 20ms _o48"
    invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
    (procedure "new" line 3)
    invoked from within
"new SimpleLink     $n1 $n2 $bw $delay $q"
    ("default" arm line 2)
    invoked from within
"switch -exact $qtypeOrig {
set c [lindex $args 1]
set link_($sid:$did) [new CBQLink        $n1 $n2 $bw $delay $q $c]
if {[llen..."
    (procedure "_o4" line 27)
    (Simulator simplex-link line 27)
    invoked from within
"$ns simplex-link $r1 $r2 1.5Mb 20ms "CBQ $cl""
    (procedure "create_topology" line 17)
    invoked from within
"create_topology $tracef $ackf"
    (procedure "sim1" line 24)
    invoked from within
    (file "rtm.tcl" line 150)


Antoine B. Bagula

E-mail : [email protected] (temporaire)
	 [email protected] (permanent)
Tel    : (H) 973-540-1700 (room 110)
         (W) 973-829-3429