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Re: [ns] I'd like to know...

>Good Morning.
>If I modify the tbf.cc code in this way:
>TBF::TBF() :tokens_(0),tbf_timer_(this), init_(1)
> q_=new PacketQueue();
> bind_bw("rate_",&rate_);
> bind("bucket_",&bucket_);
> bind("qlen_",&qlen_);
> bind("tokens_",&tokens_); 
>Can I see the number of tokens ?
>Can I modify it during the execution of the program ? 
>After these changes, there will not be problems with the command 
attach-tbf-agent and target ?
>If the answers at these questions are "Yes", how can I put in practise these 
changes ?

Yes. But then you are on your own. But then again, it doesn't hurt to try.

>Is correct this procedure : 
>    I save this new file in tbf.cc
>    I run ./configure from the directory ../ns-2b6 ?

make should be enough, I suppose.

>Thank you.
