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[ns] add a new prop model?


I am trying to add a new propagation model in NS-2.1b6. Here is the

#include <math.h>

#include <delay.h>
#include <packet.h>

#include <packet-stamp.h>
#include <antenna.h>
#include <mobilenode.h>
#include <propagation.h>
#include <wireless-phy.h>
#include <LOS.h>

static class LOSClass: public TclClass {
        LOSClass() : TclClass("Propagation/LOS") {}
        TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
                return (new LOS);
} class_los;

  last_hr= 0.0;

static double
LO(double Pt, double A, double hr, double d)
  /* LOS multipah model.
   *       	 Pt * A*  (hr^2)
   *        Pr = ----------------------------
   *                  PI*(d^4)
  return Pt * A* (hr * hr)/ PI*(d * d * d * d);

LOS::Pr(PacketStamp *t, PacketStamp *r, double L)
  double rX, rY, rZ;		// loc of receiver
  double tX, tY, tZ;		// loc of xmitter
  double d;			// the straight-line speration 
  double hr;		//vertical  height between recv and xmit 
  double Pr;

  r->getNode()->getLoc(&rX, &rY, &rZ);
  t->getNode()->getLoc(&tX, &tY, &tZ);

  d = sqrt((rX - tX) * (rX - tX) 
	   + (rY - tY) * (rY - tY) 
	   + (rZ - tZ) * (rZ - tZ));

  hr = tZ-rZ;                     
     Pr = LO   (t->getTxPr(),0.5,hr, d);
    printf("LOS    %e\n",Pr);           
    return Pr;


#ifndef __LOS_h__
#define __LOS_h__

#include <packet-stamp.h>
#include <wireless-phy.h>
#include <propagation.h>

class LOS : public Propagation {
  virtual double Pr(PacketStamp *tx, PacketStamp *rx, WirelessPhy *ifp)
    {return Pr(tx, rx, ifp->getL());}

  virtual double Pr(PacketStamp *tx, PacketStamp *rx, double L);

  double last_hr;

#endif /* __LOS_h__ */


Then I put LOS.o in Makefile in $HOME\ns-2.1b6\

Then : make

Everything seems all right. But when I was trying to use:

set val(prop)       Propagation/LOS

in my tcl file, I got the error information as follows:
invalid command name "Propagation/LOS"
    while executing
"Propagation/LOS create _o12 "
    invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
    (procedure "new" line 3)
    invoked from within
"new $propType_"
    (procedure "_o3" line 28)
    (Simulator node-config line 28)
    invoked from within
"$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(adhocRouting) \
                 -llType $val(ll) \
                 -macType $val(mac) \
    (file "wireless1.tcl" line 95)

Any information will be very helpful and I am looking forward to your
reply. Many thanks.
