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Re: [ns] Network Topology in Nam

> Is there a 'cool' way of viewing the gtm-itm generated
> topology in Nam. Scenerio generator talks of using
> topo-view.tcl, but I cdn't figure out how it can be
> used.

No there isn't, but there's at least an ugly way. Put the following into a
file, say, view-nam.tcl:

source [lindex $argv 0]
set ns [new Simulator]
set fp [open "out.nam" w]
$ns namtrace-config $fp
create-topology ns n 10Mb
proc finish {} {
        global ns fp
        $ns namtrace-config $fp
        $ns flush-trace
        close $fp
        exit 0
$ns at 1.0 "finish"
$ns run

Assuming your converted (using sgb2ns) topology file is topo.tcl, run
it like: 

ns view-nam.tcl topo.tcl

Then it'll dump it to out.nam. You can use autolayout to see it. 

Notice the namtrace-config{} in the above script. If you do namtrace-all
it won't give you anything.

- Haobo