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Re: [Re: [Re: [Re: [ns] tclcl installation problems]]]

Hi [email protected],

the path to libraries has to be included into LD_LIBRARY_PATH


On 31 Oct 2000 [email protected] wrote:

> Hello 


> now the bad news ???!!!!!
> I tried to run ns by typing (ns <tcl_script> )
> but I kept saying 
> (ns :error in loading shared libraries : libtk8.3.so : can not open shared
> object file : no suchfile or directory)
> I found the file libtk8.3.so in the (ns/tkbox/lib) directory and included this
> one in the path variable but nothing changed then I copied this file to the
> directory (/ns/bin ,  which I included in the PATH variable also ) 
> but the same message gets out !!!!!!
> Can you please tell me what is wrong !!!!
> thank you