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Re: [ns] Question

"Roman V. Kocherev" wrote:
>     Would you be so kind to explain me the structure of 'nam' data file
> (in examples it's called 'nam.out'), especially the lines related to
> connections? I'd be very glad if you'll
> describe me the meaning of every symbol in line. Some of them are clear
> for me but
> some, unfortunately, aren't.

Hi Roman,

I had the same problem like you, and John Mehringer sent me this file
with a list of all the flags used in nam files. I hope will be usefull
for you

Best Regards
# - comment line

+ - enqueue
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan 
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent 
  -a attribute 
  -i id 
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment 
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)

- - dequeue line
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan 
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent 
  -a attribute 
  -i id 
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment 
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)

A - hierarchical address space configuration
 initialization only from netModel.tcl
 setup flags
  -n hier (hierarchy)
    if (hier != "")
      -p Port Shift
      -o Port Mask
      -c McastShift (Multicast Shift)
      -a McastMask (Multicast Mask)
  else if no -n 
  -h hier
  -m NodeShift
  -s NodeMask

a - agent event (conflicts with g)
  runtime event flags from trace.cc:agentscan
   -t time
   -s source (node id)
   -d destination (node id)
   -x this agent is to be deleted
   -X this agent is to be deleted
   -n agent name

c -- color table configuration
 initialzation only from netModel.tcl 
 creation flags
  -i ix
  -n color name or hex value (ex. red or #FF0000)

D - session dequeue
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan (check >= 6)
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent
  -a attribute
  -i id 
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment 
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)

d - drop line
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan (check >= 6)
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent 
  -a attribute 
  -i id 
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)

E - session enque
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan (check >= 6)
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent
  -a attribute 
  -i id
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)

f - feature event
  runtime event flags from trace.cc:featurescan (check >= 3)
   -t time
   -s source (node id)
   -d destination (node id)
   -x this feature is to be deleted
   -T type
   -n name
   -a agent
   -v value
   -o old value

G - group event
  runtime event flags from trace.cc:group_scan (check >= 3)
   -t time
   -n group name (if any)
   -i node id with which this mark is associated 
   -a join (node joins group)
   -x leave (node leaves group)

g - energy status (conflict with agent)
  runtime event flags from trace.cc

g - Agent
 creation flags
  -l label
  -r role
  -s source (node id)
  -c flowcolor
  -i winInit
  -w win
  -m maxcwnd
  -t tracevar (trace variable) 
  -b start
  -o stop
  -p producemore
  -k packetsize
  -v interval
  -n number
  -u partner

h - hop
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan (check >= 6)
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent
  -a attribute
  -i id
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)

L - create lanlink
 initialzation only from netModel.tcl
 creation flags
  -s source node id
  -d destinatin node id
  -o layout orientation (default = 0.00)
      up-right|right-up     = 0.25
      up                    = 0.50
      up-left|left-up       = 0.75
      left                  = 1.00
      left-down|down-left   = 1.25
      down                  = 1.50
      down-right|right-down = 1.75

l - create link
 creation flags from netModel.tcl
  -s source node id
  -d destination node id
  -r transmission rate
  -D delay
  -l layout length of link when drawn 
  -o layout orientation (default = 0.00)
      up-right|right-up     = 0.25
      up                    = 0.50
      up-left|left-up       = 0.75
      left                  = 1.00
      left-down|down-left   = 1.25
      down                  = 1.50
      down-right|right-down = 1.75
  -c color
  -b dlabel (link label)

 runtime event flags from trace.cc:linkscan (check >= 4)
  -c color
  -o orientation or old color
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -S link state
  -l length or label
  -L old dlabel
  -p label location (le->link.direction)
  -P label location for backtracking (le->link.odirection)
  -e label color (le->link.dcolor)
  -E old label color (le->link.odcolor)
  -r link bandwidth 
  -D delay

m - node mark event
 realtime event flags from trace.cc:nodemark_scan (size >= 4)
  -t time
  -n node mark name (ne->mark.name)
  -s source (node id) with which this mark is associated
  -c color
  -h shape
  -X expired

N - use namgraph
 runtime event flags from trace.cc

n - create node
 creation flags
  -s source id  
  -v shape (circle, triangle, hexagon)
  -c intial color (ex. #11223 or red) 
     if [info exists showenergy_] {
       if { $color == "green"} {
                 set showenergy_ 1

  -z size of node
  -a ip address
  -x x coordinate for node position
  -y y coordinate for node position
  -i lcolor (label color)
  -b dlabel (node label) 

 runtime event flags from trace.cc:nodescan (check >= 3)
  -c color
  -o old color
  -t time (hack for dynamic node creation when -t *)
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -S node state
  -a node address
  -l label (ne->node.dlabel)
  -L old label (ne->node.odlabel)
  -p label location (ne->node.direction)
  -P label location for back tracking (ne->node.odirection)
  -i inside label colori (node->ne.lcolor)
  -I old inside label color (node->ne.olcolor)
  -e label color (ne->node.dcolor)
  -E old label color (ne->node.odcolor) 
  -x node x coordinate
  -y node y coordinate
  -u velocity in x direction
  -v velocity in y direction or shape in node creation
  -T node stop time (wireless transmission)
  -Z unknown (not used)
  -z size of node 

P - session drop
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan (check >= 6)
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent
  -a attribute
  -i id 
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment 
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)
q - define packet queue
  initialzation only from netModel.tcl
  - a packet queue is tied to a link definition
  - it will apear next to the source node
 creation flags
  -s source node id
  -d destination node id
  -a layout angle 

R - routing event
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:routescan (check >= 4)
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -g multicast group (values:* or integer)
  -p packet source
  -n negative cache
  -x route timed out
  -T timeout
  -m mode (values are typically iif oif)

r - receive packet
 runtime event flags from trace.cc:packetscan (check >= 6)
  -t time
  -s source (node id)
  -d destination (node id)
  -e extent 
  -a attribute
  -i id
  -l energy
  -c conversation (pe->pkt.convid)
  -x comment
  -p packet type  (pe->pkt.type)
  -k packet type  (pe->pkt.wtype)

V - nam version
  runtime event flags from trace.cc

v - execute tcl expression 
 v -t <time> <tcl expression>
 event flags from trace.cc:scan()
  -t time

W - wireless range
  runtime event flags from trace.cc

X - layout_lan (for lanlink event) 
 initialzation only from netModel.tcl
 creation flags
  -n name
  -r rate
  -D delay
  -o layout orientation (default = 0.0)
      up-right|right-up     = 0.25
      up                    = 0.50
      up-left|left-up       = 0.75
      left                  = 1.00
      left-down|down-left   = 1.25
      down                  = 1.50
      down-right|right-down = 1.75