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[ns] Active Network Reliable Multicast Simulation


As I tested the package 
Active Network Reliable Multicast Simulation
at http://www.tascnets.com/newtascnets/Software/Documents/Main.html
(v-ns2.1b5.tar.gz ),
I got some problems I could not figure out the reason.

In int ANRcvrAgent::send_nak(int number) 

I modify ip->dst_ = 1; to
ip->dst_ = mydst_;
and define mydst_ ,bind it, and initilize it in ns-default.tcl. 
When I run ns ANtest_rm.tcl,
I got Segmentation fault.

I change the ip->dst_ = mydst_; to ip->dst_ = 1;
it works well.

Seems something wrong with binding an integer, however,

2)I modify the ANtest_rm.tcl, and got test.tcl
and made change of ip->dst_ = mydst_;

ns test.tcl works well.

However, it works well whatever mydst_ is, 0, 1, 2, 3, 11, even a!
That is, the ip->dst_ has nothing to do with its routing.

Would you like to give me some clue why it works in this way?


(ANtest_rm.tcl and test.tcl are attached)

