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[ns] problem in making xgraph

Dear ns-users, I'm having some problems while I'm
trying to run the example4(about xgraph) in section
VIII from Marc Greis' tutorial. when I was trying to
run the example by giving the command "ns
example4.tcl" it's saying that  

ns: finish: couldn't execute "xgraph": no such file or

so I went into the directory of xgraph and I
configured it by using the command ./configure and
then when I'm trying to run 'make' by giving the
command "make" it is giving the followong message.

Makefile:332:*** missing seperator. Stop. 

Is there any special way to make the xgraph package?
my version is ns2.1b8a and my OS is SunOS 5.7

this is the 3rd time I'm putting the request. hope I
cud get a reply atleast this time.

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