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[ns] bug in bind command for CBQ class


In the ns manual of August 26, 2001 you can read the following on page 72:

    $cbq bind <cbqclass> <id1> [$id2]
            Cause packets containing flow id id1 (or those in the range id1 to id2 inclusive) to be associated with the
            traffic class cbqclass.

When I try this command in my script, simulating three UDP flows with id 1,2 and 4, like this:

    $cbqlink bind $EFclass 1
    $cbqlink bind $AFclass 2
    $cbqlink bind $BEclass 3 4

I get the following error when ns is running:

    ns: _o95 unknown-flow 2 7 4:
        (_o95 cmd line 1)
        invoked from within
        "_o95 cmd unknown-flow 2 7 4"
        invoked from within
    "catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
        (procedure "_o95" line 2)
        (SplitObject unknown line 2)
        invoked from within
    "_o95 unknown-flow 2 7 4"
But if I change the flow id from 4 to 3 it works fine.

Nowhere in the test-suite is the command used with two arguments in this way. I've also tried to locate the code which take care of this command to try to find the bug, but I can't manage to locate it by just using grep, and it's not in cbq.cc as one could expect.

There are ways to get around this problem, but it implies longer and more complicated scripts if you're using alot of traffic flows.

Can anyone please point out where I should look for the bug or correct me in the way I'm using the command?
I've recently started to use ns and could have missunderstood something.

Thank you!

Håkan Byström, Operax
+46 920 755 07, office
+46 70 374 03 24, cellular