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[ns] [bug] nam tracefile cannot be animated

[Bug Report]

Category:  Other
Package:   nam nam-1.0a10-win32
OS:        windows2000
Environment Variables:
TCL_LIBRARY= C:\NetSim\tcl8.3.2\library


Description of Problem:
I have installed all the components required as per specified at the NS installtion to run the simulator on win2000 platform. The components are Tcl8.3.2, tk8.3.2, otcl-1.oa7, tclcl-1.0b11, ns-2.1b8a-win, active perl 5.6.1 and Cygwin latest version. I tried to work out the example1a.tcl execution but it was giving error which I presume due to nam. 

How Easily Reproducible:
(e.g. every time, intermittent, once only, etc.)
Install ns on the Win2000 platform along with all the specified components.

Steps to Reproduce:
(describe the minimal set of steps necessary to trigger the bug)
1. Install the NS on win2000
2. go to ns/tcl/ex folder and execute 'ns simple.tcl' and the command prompt.

Actual Results:
(describe what the application did after performing the above steps)

The following was what happened when I executed the command at the prompt.

C:\NetSim\ns-2.1b8a-win\tcl\ex>ns simple.tcl
running nam...

C:\NetSim\ns-2.1b8a-win\tcl\ex>nam: nam_init out.nam : couldn't open "{C:/Documents and Settings/chandramohan}/.nam-port": no such file or directory
    while executing
"open $PORT_FILE_ w 0600"
    (procedure "_o2" line 20)
    (AnimControl start-server line 20)
    invoked from within
"$self start-server"
    (procedure "_o2" line 3)
    (AnimControl local-create-animator line 3)
    invoked from within
"$self local-create-animator $trace_file [join $args]"
    (procedure "_o2" line 21)
    (AnimControl init line 21)
    invoked from within
"_o2 init out.nam {}"
    (Class create line 1)
    invoked from within
"AnimControl create _o2 out.nam {}"
    invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
    (procedure "new" line 3)
    invoked from within
"new AnimControl $trace_file $args"
    (procedure "nam_init" line 2)
    invoked from within
"nam_init out.nam "

Expected Results:
(describe what the application should have done, were the bug not present)
Expected Nam to simulate the diagram which is based on the trace file created for nam by NS.

Additional Information:
(the following infomation is helpful to debug:
 1. simulation script, detailed output files, packet trace
 2. patch file if you modify some source code
 3. a backtrace from gdb if you get a segment fault
 If they are big files, PLEASE put them in your web space and
 include the URL here.)