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Next: McastProtocol class Up: 24.2.1 The classes Previous: 24.2.1 The classes mrtObject class

There is one mrtObject (aka Arbiter) object per multicast capable node. This object supports the ability for a node to run multiple multicast routing protocols by maintaining an array of multicast protocols indexed by the incoming interface. Thus, if there are several multicast protocols at a node, each interface is owned by just one protocol. Therefore, this object supports the ability for a node to run multiple multicast routing protocols. The node uses the arbiter to perform protocol actions, either to a specific protocol instance active at that node, or to all protocol instances at that node.

In addition, the mrtObject class supports the concept of well known groups, , those groups that do not require explicit protocol support. Two well known groups, ALL_ROUTERS and ALL_PIM_ROUTERS are predefined in .

The mrtObject../ns-2/tcl/mcast/McastProto.tcl defines two class procedures to set and get information about these well known groups.
