ns2 Network Simulator      C++ Class Hierarchy of version ns-snapshot-20040722
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XCPQueue Member List

This is the complete list of members for XCPQueue, including all inherited members.
abort(const char *fmt=NULL,...)TclObject [static]
absolute(double d)XCPQueue [protected]
alpha_XCPQueue [protected]
avg_rtt_XCPQueue [protected]
bcount_()REDQueue [inline, protected]
beta_XCPQueue [protected]
bind(const char *var, TracedInt *val)TclObject
bind(const char *var, TracedDouble *val)TclObject
bind(const char *var, double *val)TclObject
bind(const char *var, unsigned int *val)TclObject
bind(const char *var, int *val)TclObject
bind(const char *var, TclObject **val)TclObject
bind_bool(const char *var, int *val)TclObject
bind_bw(const char *var, double *val)TclObject
bind_error(const char *var, const char *error)TclObject
bind_time(const char *var, double *val)TclObject
block()Queue< T > [inline]
blocked() constQueue< T > [inline]
blocked_Queue< T > [protected]
BTA_XCPQueue [protected]
BTF_XCPQueue [protected]
byteLength()Queue< T > [inline]
calculate_p(double v_ave, double th_max, int gentle, double v_a, double v_b, double v_c, double v_d, double max_p_inv)REDQueue [protected]
calculate_p_new(double v_ave, double th_max, int gentle, double v_a, double v_b, double v_c, double v_d, double max_p)REDQueue [protected]
command(int argc, const char *const *argv)REDQueue [protected, virtual]
create_framevar(const char *localName)TclObject
create_instvar(const char *var)TclObject
curq_REDQueue [protected]
de_drop_REDQueue [protected]
debug(const char *fmt,...)NsObject [virtual]
debug_NsObject [protected]
delay_bind(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, double *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
delay_bind(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, unsigned int *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
delay_bind(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, int *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
delay_bind(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, TracedInt *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
delay_bind(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, TracedDouble *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
delay_bind_bool(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, int *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
delay_bind_bw(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, double *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer)NsObject [virtual]
delay_bind_init_all()NsObject [virtual]
delay_bind_init_one(const char *varName)TclObject
delay_bind_time(const char *varName, const char *localName, const char *thisVarName, double *val, TclObject *tracer)TclObject
Delete(TclObject *object)TclObject [static]
deque()XCPQueue [virtual]
dequeue()Queue< T > [inline]
destroy()Queue< T > [inline, virtual]
detach(QueueElem< T > *e)Queue< T > [inline]
dispatch_static_proc(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])TclObject [static]
do_before_packet_departure(Packet *p)XCPQueue [protected, virtual]
do_on_packet_arrival(Packet *pkt)XCPQueue [protected, virtual]
doubleq_REDQueue [protected]
dqthresh_REDQueue [protected]
drop(Packet *pkt)XCPQueue [protected, virtual]
REDQueue::drop(Packet *p, const char *s)Connector [protected, virtual]
drop_Connector [protected]
drop_early(Packet *pkt)REDQueue [protected]
drop_front_REDQueue [protected]
drop_rand_REDQueue [protected]
drop_tail_REDQueue [protected]
drops_XCPQueue [protected]
edp_REDQueue [protected]
EDTraceREDQueue [protected]
edv_REDQueue [protected]
enque(Packet *pkt)XCPQueue [virtual]
enqueue(QueueElem< T > *e)Queue< T > [inline]
enum_tracedVars()TclObject [protected]
estimation_control_timer_XCPQueue [protected]
estimator(int nqueued, int m, double ave, double q_w)REDQueue [protected]
fifo_REDQueue [protected]
fill_in_feedback(Packet *p)XCPQueue [protected, virtual]
first_reset_REDQueue [protected]
gamma_XCPQueue [protected]
getHead()Queue< T > [inline]
handle(Event *)NsObject [protected, virtual]
handle_TracedVar(const char *name, TracedVar *tv, TclObject *tracer)TclObject [protected]
head_Queue< T > [protected]
idle_REDQueue [protected]
idletime_REDQueue [protected]
init(int, const char *const *)TclObject [inline, virtual]
init(InstVar *, const char *varname)TclObject [protected]
init_vars()XCPQueue [protected]
initialize_params()REDQueue [protected]
input_traffic_Kbytes_XCPQueue [protected]
insert(InstVar *)TclObject [protected]
insert(TracedVar *)TclObject [protected]
instvar_TclObject [protected]
Invoke(const char *method,...)TclObject
Invokef(const char *format,...)TclObject
is_empty() constQueue< T > [inline]
isdebug() constNsObject [inline]
last_change_Queue< T > [protected]
length()Queue< T > [inline]
limit(int len=0)XCPQueue
REDQueue::limit()Queue< T > [inline]
link_REDQueue [protected]
link_capacity_Kbytes_XCPQueue [protected]
lookup(const char *name)TclObject [inline, static]
max(double d1, double d2)XCPQueue [protected]
min(double d1, double d2)XCPQueue [protected]
modify_p(double p, int count, int count_bytes, int bytes, int mean_pktsize, int wait, int size)REDQueue [protected]
myQueue_XCPQueue [protected]
name()TclObject [inline]
name(const char *)TclObject
name_TclObject [protected]
New(const char *className)TclObject [inline, static]
New(const char *className, const char *arg1,...)TclObject [static]
not_a_TracedVar(const char *name)TclObject [protected]
now()XCPQueue [protected]
ns1_compat_REDQueue [protected]
num_cc_packets_in_Te_XCPQueue [protected]
old_util_Queue< T > [protected]
pickPacketForECN(Packet *pkt)REDQueue [protected, virtual]
pickPacketToDrop()REDQueue [protected, virtual]
pq_Queue< T > [protected]
print_edp()REDQueue [protected]
print_edv()REDQueue [protected]
print_summarystats()REDQueue [protected]
q_REDQueue [protected]
qh_Queue< T > [protected]
qib_REDQueue [protected]
qlim_Queue< T > [protected]
Queue()Queue< T > [protected]
Queue()Queue< T > [inline]
Queue_Kbytes_XCPQueue [protected]
queue_timer_XCPQueue [protected]
queue_trace_file_XCPQueue [protected]
recv(Packet *, Handler *)Queue< T > [virtual]
NsObject::recv(Packet *p, const char *s)NsObject [virtual]
recvOnly(Packet *)NsObject [inline, virtual]
REDQueue(const char *="Drop")REDQueue
reportDrop(Packet *pkt)REDQueue [inline, protected, virtual]
reset()REDQueue [protected, virtual]
resume()Queue< T >
routerId(XCPWrapQ *queue, int i)XCPQueue
routerId(int id=-1)XCPQueue
routerId_XCPQueue [protected]
run_estimator(int nqueued, int m)REDQueue [protected]
running_avg(double var_sample, double var_last_avg, double gain)XCPQueue [protected]
running_min_queue_Kbytes_XCPQueue [protected]
send(Packet *p, Handler *h)Connector [inline, protected]
setBW(double bw)XCPQueue
setChannel(Tcl_Channel queue_trace_file)XCPQueue
size() constQueue< T > [inline]
size_Queue< T > [protected]
sum_rtt_by_cwnd_XCPQueue [protected]
sum_rtt_square_by_cwnd_XCPQueue [protected]
summarystats_REDQueue [protected]
tail_Queue< T > [protected]
target()Connector [inline]
target_Connector [protected]
tchan_REDQueue [protected]
TclObject()TclObject [protected]
Te_XCPQueue [protected]
total_time_Queue< T > [protected]
Tq_XCPQueue [protected]
trace(TracedVar *)REDQueue [protected, virtual]
trace_var(char *var_name, double var)XCPQueue [protected, virtual]
tracedvar_TclObject [protected]
traceTypeREDQueue [protected]
traceVar(const char *varName, TclObject *tracer)TclObject [protected]
true_ave_Queue< T > [protected]
unblock()Queue< T > [inline]
unblock_on_resume_Queue< T > [protected]
updateMaxP(double new_ave, double now)REDQueue [protected]
updateMaxPFeng(double new_ave)REDQueue [protected]
updateStats(int queuesize)Queue< T > [virtual]
util_weight_Queue< T > [protected]
utilization(void)Queue< T > [virtual]
utilUpdate(double int_begin, double int_end, int link_state)Queue< T > [protected]
XCPTimer classXCPQueue [friend]
xi_neg_XCPQueue [protected]
xi_pos_XCPQueue [protected]
~NsObject()NsObject [virtual]
~Queue()Queue< T > [protected]
~Queue()Queue< T > [inline, virtual]
~TclObject()TclObject [virtual]

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