function CheckStateConstraints( CO_canonical,EV,N,M ) %CHECKSTATECONSTRAINTS Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here % CO_canonical: Constraint Operators in canonical basis % EV: Expectation Values associated with the linear constraints (either as % a single number or as a range) % N: dimension of system A % M: dimension of system B % % The normalization constraint is imposed by the code % % This program REQUIRES the package SeDuMi, by J. Sturm, that can be downloaded % from % % Code written F. Spedalieri. % Determine the number of constraints Number_of_constraints = size(CO_canonical,3); % Check dimensions if size(CO_canonical,1) ~= size(CO_canonical,2) error('Constraint operators are not square'); elseif size(CO_canonical,1) ~= N*M error('Constraints do not match systems dimensions'); elseif Number_of_constraints ~= size(EV,1) error('Expectation values do not match number of constraints'); end % Compute the basis for the two subsystems [basisA,basisB] = ComputeBasis(N,M); alphaA=trace(basisA{1}*basisA{1}); alphaB=trace(basisB{1}*basisB{1}); % Add the normalization constraint matrix (the identity) to CO_canonical % and recompute the number of constraints CO_canonical(:,:,Number_of_constraints+1) = eye(size(CO_canonical,1)); EV(Number_of_constraints+1,1) = 1; Number_of_constraints = size(CO_canonical,3); % Compute the coefficients of the linear constraints in the tensor product % basis M_coeff = zeros(N^2,M^2,Number_of_constraints); for k=1:Number_of_constraints for i=1:N^2 for j=1:M^2 M_coeff(i,j,k) = real(trace(kron(basisA{i},basisB{j})*CO_canonical(:,:,k))); end end end % Convert the coefficients of each constraint into the row of a matrix that % will be used to solve the system of equations (note: the command vec(X) % returns a column vector formed by the stacked columns of the matrix X) LCM = zeros(Number_of_constraints,(N*M)^2); for k=1:Number_of_constraints LCM(k,:) = vec(M_coeff(:,:,k)).'; end if size(EV,2) == 1 % Find a particular solution of the system represented by LCM and EV, and % determine a basis of its kernel sol_part = mldivide(LCM,EV); % This gives a column vector rho_part = zeros(N^2,M^2); for j=1:M^2 rho_part(:,j) = (sol_part((j-1)*N^2+1:j*N^2,1)); % Transform the particular solution into a matrix of coefficients end % in the tensor product basis kernel_basis = null(LCM); % The columns are the vectorized form of the elements of the kernel basis dim_kernel = size(kernel_basis,2); % Dimension of LCM kernel, which is the number of extra F_i % matrices needed % If the kernel is non-empty, we do some manipulation with the kernel basis % vectors if dim_kernel > 0 % Convert the kernel basis vectors into a matrix of coefficients in the % tensor product basis % Compute the basis vectors of the kernel in the canonical basis V = zeros(N^2,M^2,dim_kernel); V_canonical = zeros(N*M,N*M,dim_kernel); for k=1:dim_kernel k for j=1:M^2 V(:,j,k) = (kernel_basis((j-1)*N^2+1:j*N^2,k)); for i=1:N^2 V_canonical(:,:,k) = V_canonical(:,:,k) + V(i,j,k)*kron(basisA{i},basisB{j}); end end end end % Compute the particular solution in the canonical basis rho_part_canonical = zeros(N*M); for i=1:N^2 for j=1:M^2 rho_part_canonical = rho_part_canonical + rho_part(i,j)*kron(basisA{i},basisB{j}); end end % If the particular solution is unique we point out that fact and the % issues that it may bring if rank(LCM) == (N*M)^2 if eig(rho_part_canonical) >= 10^(-10) disp('The state defined by the linear constraints seems to be unique.'); disp('You may want to solve for it and apply PPTSE to check for entanglement'); else error('The matrix defined by the linear constraints seems to be unique but not positive semidefinite. The linear constraints may be incompatible with a physical state.'); end dim_kernel = 0; elseif (dim_kernel >0) % Sanity check: check whether there is a state (normalized and PSD) % satisfying these constraints. block_check=[2*M*N]; f0 = [real(rho_part_canonical) imag(rho_part_canonical);-imag(rho_part_canonical) real(rho_part_canonical)]; c_check = vec(f0); ct_check = 0; for k=1:dim_kernel ct_check = ct_check + 1; f_i = [real(V_canonical(:,:,k)) imag(V_canonical(:,:,k)); -imag(V_canonical(:,:,k)) real(V_canonical(:,:,k))]; At_check(:,ct_check)=-vec(f_i); end ct_check = ct_check + 1; At_check(:,ct_check) = -vec(eye(block_check)); b_check = zeros(ct_check,1); b_check(ct_check) = -1; K_check.s=block_check; pars.fid=1; [x_check,y_check,info]=sedumi(At_check,b_check,c_check,K_check,pars); if (abs(y_check'*b_check - c_check'*x_check)< -c_check'*x_check) error('There is no state that satisfies these constraints.'); else rho_extended = f0; % Add f0 for i=1:ct_check-1 % Don't add the identity rho_extended = rho_extended - y_check(i)*mat(At_check(1:2*(M*N)*2*(M*N),i)); end rho(1:M*N,1:M*N) = rho_extended(1:M*N,1:M*N) + 1i*rho_extended(1:M*N,M*N +1:2*M*N); disp('The file RhoConstraint.mat has a state rho in the canonical basis that satisfies the constraints'); save RhoConstraint rho CO_canonical EV end end elseif size(find((EV(1:end-1,2)-EV(1:end-1,1))<0),1) ~= 0 error('Check the ranges of the expectation values, some may have negative length') elseif size(EV,2) == 2 % Find particular solutions of the system represented by LCM and a homogeneous % term with only one nonzero component, that will be used to express any solution % of LCM with independent term within the ranges specified by EV. sol_part = zeros(N^2 * M^2,Number_of_constraints); for k=1:Number_of_constraints indep_term = zeros(Number_of_constraints,1); indep_term(k,1) = 1; % Define an independent term with only one nonzero element sol_part(:,k) = mldivide(LCM,indep_term); % Find a particular solution end % Compute the basis of the kernel of the linear system kernel_basis = null(LCM); % The columns are the vectorized form of the elements of the kernel basis dim_kernel = size(kernel_basis,2); % Dimension of LCM kernel, which is the number of extra F_i % matrices needed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Now we start setting up the matrices for the SDP % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Block structure. This is the block structure of the problem. % because the Re-Im trick screws up the block-diagonal structure, so we use only % the block structure induced by the partial transpose. We also include % single blocks associated with the ranges of the variables that control the expectaion % values block=[2*M*N ones(1,2*(Number_of_constraints-1))]; % Setup of the matrix F_0: this matrix is now associated with the ranges of % the variables that control the expectation values, and the particular % solution that is normalized (the last matrix in rho_part). G0=zeros(N*M); % The matrix G0 is constructed using the particular solution of the linear % constraint equations that is normalized for k=1:N^2 for m=1:M^2 G0=G0+sol_part((m-1)*N^2+k,Number_of_constraints)*kron(basisA{k},basisB{m}); end end F0 = zeros(2*(M*N)+2*(Number_of_constraints-1)); F0(1:2*(M*N),1:2*(M*N))=[real(G0) imag(G0);-imag(G0) real(G0)]; % Now add the part that will impose constraints on the expectation values for k=1:Number_of_constraints-1 F0(2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+1,2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+1) = -EV(k,1); % Constraint variable z_k to be greater than EV(k,1) F0(2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+2,2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+2) = EV(k,2); % Constraint variable z_k to be smaller than EV(k,2) end % Vectorize F0 to pass later to Sedumi sr=1; fr=0; for k=1:length(block) fr=fr+block(k)^2; c(sr:fr)=vec(F0(sum(block(1:k-1))+1:sum(block(1:k)),sum(block(1:k-1))+1:sum(block(1:k)))); sr=fr+1; end % Construct the F_i matrices associated with the kernel of the system and % the solutions of the inhomogeneous system associated with the ranges of the % expectation values. ct = 0; % Start the counter if dim_kernel > 0 for k=1:dim_kernel ct=ct+1; k GJ0=zeros(M*N,M*N); for i=2:N^2 for m=1:M^2 if (i==2 && m>=2) % This adds the terms corresponding to i=1, m>=2. We do % this to avoid adding the term i=1, m=1 that % is proportional to the identity and that will be % included in At. But to reconstruct a solution of the % system we need to include i=1. The (i==2) condition % is to do this part only once. GJ0=GJ0+kernel_basis((m-1)*N^2+1,k)*kron(basisA{1},basisB{m}); end GJ0=GJ0+kernel_basis((m-1)*N^2+i,k)*kron(basisA{i},basisB{m}); end end F_i = zeros(2*(M*N)+2*(Number_of_constraints-1)); F_i(1:2*(M*N),1:2*(M*N))=[real(GJ0) imag(GJ0);-imag(GJ0) real(GJ0)]; % Add zeros for the new variables for kp=1:Number_of_constraints-1 F_i(2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+1,2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+1) = 0; F_i(2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+2,2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+2) = 0; end sr=1; fr=0; for i=1:length(block) fr=fr+block(i)^2; At(sr:fr,ct)=-vec(F_i(sum(block(1:i-1))+1:sum(block(1:i)),sum(block(1:i-1))+1:sum(block(1:i)))); sr=fr+1; end end end % Construct the new F_i matrices associated with the varying expectation % values for k=1:Number_of_constraints-1 ct=ct+1; GJ0=zeros(M*N,M*N); for i=2:N^2 for m=1:M^2 if (i==2 && m>=2) % This adds the terms corresponding to i=1, m>=2. We do % this to avoid adding the term i=1, m=1 that % is proportional to the identity and that will be % included in At. But to reconstruct a solution of the % system we need to include i=1. The (i==2) condition % is to do this part only once. GJ0=GJ0+sol_part((m-1)*N^2+1,k)*kron(basisA{1},basisB{m}); end GJ0=GJ0+sol_part((m-1)*N^2+i,k)*kron(basisA{i},basisB{m}); end end F_i = zeros(2*(M*N)+2*(Number_of_constraints-1)); F_i(1:2*(M*N),1:2*(M*N))=[real(GJ0) imag(GJ0);-imag(GJ0) real(GJ0)]; % Add zeros for the new variables for kp=1:Number_of_constraints-1 F_i(2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+1,2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+1) = 0; % Enlarge the F_i matrices F_i(2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+2,2*(M*N)+2*(kp-1)+2) = 0; end F_i(2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+1,2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+1) = 1; % To keep variable z_k in the required range F_i(2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+2,2*(M*N)+2*(k-1)+2) = -1; sr=1; fr=0; for i=1:length(block) fr=fr+block(i)^2; At(sr:fr,ct)=-vec(F_i(sum(block(1:i-1))+1:sum(block(1:i)),sum(block(1:i-1))+1:sum(block(1:i)))); sr=fr+1; end end % Add the identity to the block of rho F_i = zeros(2*M*N+2*(Number_of_constraints-1)); F_i(1:2*M*N,1:2*M*N) = eye(2*M*N); ct = ct+1; sr=1; fr=0; for i=1:length(block) fr=fr+block(i)^2; At(sr:fr,ct)=-vec(F_i(sum(block(1:i-1))+1:sum(block(1:i)),sum(block(1:i-1))+1:sum(block(1:i)))); sr=fr+1; end % Construct the vector b b = sparse(ct,1); % this a larger vector to match the larger At b(ct) = -1; % This the element corresponding to the identity matrix in the F_i % Since we are using the Re-Im trick, the trace of % mat(x) % must be set to 2*dA if we want trace(Z)=1 % Set parameters and call SeDuMi K.s=block; pars.fid=0; [x,y,info]=sedumi(At,b,c,K,pars); if (abs(y'*b - c*x)< -c*x) error('There is no state that satisfies these constraints.'); else rho_extended = F0(1:2*N*M,1:2*N*M); % Add F0 for i=1:ct-1 % Don't add the identity rho_extended = rho_extended - y(i)*mat(At(1:2*(M*N)*2*(M*N),i)); end rho(1:M*N,1:M*N) = rho_extended(1:M*N,1:M*N) + 1i*rho_extended(1:M*N,M*N +1:2*M*N); disp('The file RhoConstraint.mat has a state rho in the canonical basis that satisfies the constraints'); save RhoConstraint rho CO_canonical EV end end end function [basisA,basisB] = ComputeBasis(N,M) % Computes the basis of the two subsystems d=N; ct=0; basisA=cell(d*(d+1)/2); for m=1:d for n=1:m ct=ct+1; if (m==n) && (m==1) basisA{ct}=speye(d)/d; elseif m==n basisA{ct}=sparse(1:(m-1),1:(m-1),-ones(1,m-1)/sqrt(m*(m-1)),d,d); basisA{ct}(m,m)=(m-1)/sqrt(m*(m-1)); norm=trace(basisA{ct}*basisA{ct}); basisA{ct}=basisA{ct}/sqrt(d*norm); else basisA{ct}=sparse([m n],[n m],[1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)],d,d); norm=trace(basisA{ct}*basisA{ct}); basisA{ct}=basisA{ct}/sqrt(d*norm); ct=ct+1; basisA{ct}=sparse([m n],[n m],[1i/sqrt(2) -1i/sqrt(2)],d,d); norm=trace(basisA{ct}*basisA{ct}); basisA{ct}=basisA{ct}/sqrt(d*norm); end end end % Now compute a basis for party B, but only if M~=N. if M==N basisB=basisA; else d=M; ct=0; basisB=cell(d*(d+1)/2); for m=1:d for n=1:m ct=ct+1; if (m==n) && (m==1) basisB{ct}=speye(d)/d; elseif m==n basisB{ct}=sparse(1:(m-1),1:(m-1),-ones(1,m-1)/sqrt(m*(m-1)),d,d); basisB{ct}(m,m)=(m-1)/sqrt(m*(m-1)); norm=trace(basisB{ct}*basisB{ct}); basisB{ct}=basisB{ct}/sqrt(d*norm); else basisB{ct}=sparse([m n],[n m],[1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)],d,d); norm=trace(basisB{ct}*basisB{ct}); basisB{ct}=basisB{ct}/sqrt(d*norm); ct=ct+1; basisB{ct}=sparse([m n],[n m],[1i/sqrt(2) -1i/sqrt(2)],d,d); norm=trace(basisB{ct}*basisB{ct}); basisB{ct}=basisB{ct}/sqrt(d*norm); end end end end end