Scripts for transferring files.

Jayakumar Muthukumarasamy ([email protected])
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 12:39:15 -0500 (EST)

I have put a script for transferring files between gatech & isi in
gatech:~masterm/bin/update-files, and isi:~masterm/bin/update-files. The
script makes use of "rsh", and "ftp" to get things done. Both, rsh, and
ftp make use of automatic login. For automatic login to work, the files
~/.rhosts (on the remote machine), and ~/.netrc (on the local machine) should
be set up correctly. As things stand, the script can be used without any
problems from, and from ISI, and
homepark, hapeville, catoosa, and gwinnett from GATECH.

If you want the script to work from more machines, you will have to
add the machine to the .rhosts file of the remote site. i.e. ISI will
have to add to gatech:~masterm/.rhosts, and GATECH will have to add to
isi:~masterm/.rhosts. The script currently has defaults which update
all the SCCS files in the mm-proj directory. However, it is possible
to change the files that need to be obtained using command line
parameters. You will have to see for yourself how to do this.

There is one issue that concerns ISI. Your mm-proj directory
is owned by the user mm-proj. So, you should execute the script as
mm-proj, and not as masterm (unless, masterm has permissions to write
mm-proj's directories).

The script has the option to send mail to the concerned people
indicating the files that have been changed. By default the option is off.
You can turn this option on using the "-mail" command line option.

I will probably write this up in more detail, and put a README
file in the same directory. This will take some time, however. If you have
more questions, please send me mail.
