Demo for Bob Neches

Pedro Szekely ([email protected])
Fri, 21 Jul 1995 08:57:25 -0700


We should prepare a demo for Bob Neches when he visits us on Saturday. Even
though Bob didn't ask for a demo, I think it is very important to make a
good impression on him: projects live or die based on impressive demos.

We should show him the documentation online, which shows that we have a good
ontology, that we documented it, and that we are making an effort to make it
usable by others.

We should also show that we have the modeling language implemented. The
ideal demo at this point would be the following. I wonder if we can pull it
off. I hope we can because it would be pretty neat, and it shows all the
software we have.

The demo would consist of the following programs, all talking together using
1- model server.
2- browser: connects to the model-server and browses its objects.
3- MTF reader: a small program that takes as input the name of an MTF file,
connects to the model server, and tells it to read the MTF file.
4- Attribute changer: a small program that takes the name of an object, the
name of an attribute and a value, and tells the model server to set the
value of the attribute. We might need several of these programs: set, add,
clear, and one of each for each type.

All these programs are run from the shell, possibly from different machines.
Whenever one of the programs changes the data in the model server, the
browser will show the new state of the object.

Several questions:
- Do you think this would be a good idea?
- Can we do it?
- If not, how close can we get?
Pedro Szekely
Phone: (310) 822-1511 ext 641. FAX: (310) 823-6714