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	I am really appreciated if someone can clarify
a few things for me......

(1)	I need to send packets instead of bytes for 
unicast transmission, using FTP/Telnet command.
TCP advance-bytes can only be applied to Full TCP
model.....  No way to send bytes?????

(2)	PacketSize as defined in NS DOcumentation is
actually the MSS size in real-world TCP.  SO, if I
set my packetSize to 1000, it means the MSS is 1000
bytes.  How about if I want to include the packet header,
like, TCP Header, IP Header and Dala LInk Header.... Is
it possible????

(3)	I have found that ssthresh is set to the receiver
window size... I would like to change it to 65535 bytes.
How??? What I have done so far, is just dividing 
65535/(segment size), let say 100 ???? Do not know whether 
it is correct???
And, when i tried to set the ssthresh to 100, it does not 
work??? I realize that, only the maxcwnd is set to 100.... 

(4)	I have been informed that make-lan interfaces
is being changed... Do anyone know where can I find
the right make-lan interface???  Is there any examples
of the LAN scripts????

(5)	I really need someone to explain to me how the
"bind" operation works.... I have read the NS Documentation,
but still in confusion state... Could anyone give me some

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.  Thank you.
