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[ns] Flow monitoring <-- example script

Hi Thomas and ns folks,

It's nice to see your codes, producing very "colorfull" results. and I have a
lot of fun discussing with you

However, there are two problems with your codes I  have to point out  ;--((( :

First problem:

You used the following fomula to caculate flow bandwidth

flow bandwith (or throughput)  =   barrivals / time

This is average bandwidth consumed so far , and it does not show suddent
changes in throughputs  . You should use the following formula to calculate
the throughput:

throughput = (barrivals  during a time interval)    /   (time interval)

I also attached my codes to fix that problem.

Second problems:

Try starting and stopping the traffic sources at diffeernet time rather than
at the begining and at the end of the simulations. You will notice that ...
the sources keep  flooding the link, they do not stop ;-((     .  I run out of
time to have a close look at the second problem, as it's now mid-night here in

Hope to get more beautifull simmulations from you.
