SCADDS: ScalableCoordination A rchitectures for Deeply Distributed Systems


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SCADDS is a research project at USC/ISI sponsored by DARPA under the Sensor Information Technology (SenSIT) program. The  principal investigators are Prof. Deborah Estrin , Prof. Ramesh Govindan and Prof. John Heidemann .

The SCADDS project explores scalable coordination architectures for deeply distributed and dynamic systems ( e.g. wireless sensor networks) . Nodes in these systems will be heterogeneous, having a range of sensing, actuation and communication capabilities. Many deeply distributed systems will require nodes that are small, low-power, mobile, and wireless. In such systems, nodes lose their individuality. For example, a large sensor net application should not be designed to answer questions like: What is the temperature reading at sensor #27 now? Instead, the DATA generated by these devices should be the focus of all communication, independent of which node collected the data originally, and which nodes currently store it. This paradigm shift requires a different coordination architecture, motivated and elaborated upon in greater detail in our Mobicom 99 research challenges paper, " Scalable Coordination in Sensor Networks ".

In particular, we have focused on the following research topics.

More details on these and other SCADDS research can be obtained from our presentations and publications.

We are also developing several testbeds for evaluating our above algorithms, based on the notion of tiered architectures , elaborated here .

We release software that is developed here for wireless sensor network experiments  to benefit the research community.

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Last modified on: Oct. 2, 2002 by Wei Ye .