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9. KOJAK Commands

This section lists all KOJAK commands that can be called in KOJAK run scripts in alphabetical order. Additionally, all PowerLoom commands documented in the PowerLoom manual (see http://www.isi.edu/isd/LOOM/PowerLoom/) can also be called. KOJAK commands all reside in the KOJAK module and can usually be called without the KOJAK/ module prefix as long as the KOJAK module is visible from the current module (set at the beginning of a script with in-module). The KOJAK module is case-insensitive, so commands can be written with any mixture of upper and lowercase characters.

All commands need to be written in a Lisp-ish input syntax which is the standard input syntax used by the underlying PowerLoom system. Knowledge of PowerLoom should not be required, but see http://www.isi.edu/isd/LOOM/PowerLoom/ for more information if necessary. Commands take zero or more required arguments and a set of options specified as keyword/value pairs. Default values for unspecified options are often taken from the configuration file. Some commands such as get-parameter return values that can be given as input to other commands. Here is an example command invocation:

(db-save-groups (get-all-groups)
                :dataset (get-parameter "DatasetName")
                :source "AV" :category "F")

In the descriptions below, parameter types are given in all-caps following a parameter name. If a function returns a value, the return type is given after the : following the parameter list. options is always a list of optional arguments that need to be supplied as keyword/value pairs. The documentation of a command describes which options are legal.

Command: add-parameter-value ((parameter NAME) (value OBJECT)) :
Add value to the end of parameters (a string or symbol) value list in the configuration table. Coerces the current value to a list or initializes the list if it is as yet undefined. Allows incremental addition of values to list-valued parameters. Note that parameter is evaluated and will need to be quoted if supplied as a symbol. Symbols will also be upcased if this command is run in a non-case-sensitive module such as KOJAK.

Command: compute-avg-group-connectivity ((groups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP))) : FLOAT
Compute the average number of groups in groups each of groups agents belongs to and return the result.

Command: db-assert-connection-info ((dbInstance OBJECT) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Assert DB connectivity information about the DB instance dbInstance (for example, edb) according to options. Looks up dbInstance in the module specified by the :module option (defaults to current module) and retracts any preexisting connection information. New assertions are also made in that module. Understands the following options: :connection-string, :dsn, :db, :host, :port, :user, :password and :module. At least one of :connection-string and :dsn must be specified. If a connection string is given, all other connection options are ignored. The values of :user and :password default to the values of DBUser and DBPassword specified in the configuration file.

Command: db-clear-hypotheses () :
Clear all hypothesis and associated tables in the KOJAK database.

Command: db-load-groups (&rest (options OBJECT)) : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Load groups from the KOJAK database according to options and return the result. Groups will also be interned into the global objects table. Understands the following metadata options to select groups from the database (all of which can be NULL): :dataset, :source and :category. Groups will be loaded into the module sepcified by the optional :module option (defaults to DATASET). If :MI-groups? is TRUE use db-load-MI-groups to load groups which understands some additional options and knows how to fixup results. This is a kludge to deal with preservation of some of the group annotations that Jafar's MI code doesn't carry over to extended groups.

Command: db-save-configuration () :
Store all current KOJAK configuration and parameter information in the KOJAK database.

Command: db-save-groups ((groups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Saves groups to the KOJAK database. If groups is NULL all groups currently loaded in the global objects table will be saved. Understands the following metadata options that will be stored with each group: :dataset, :source and :category which all have to be supplied as strings. :source and :category default to the the empty string. :dataset defaults to the DatasetName property given in the configuration file. Groups will be encoded relative to the module sepcified by the optional :module option (defaults to DATASET).

Command: extend-groups ((groups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Extend groups based on relevant link types and connection strength computations specified in options. If groups is NULL all groups currently loaded into the objects table will be extended. Understands the following options:

:mode can be either :individual or :collective which controls whether the extension graph is grown for each group indiviually or fow all groups collectively. Collective extension requires more memory but will make MI computation somewhat more accurate in certain cases where individuals are members of multiple groups. Boosting is not yet supported in :collective mode.

:link-types specifies a single or list of link types that should be considered to expand the graph and compute connection strength. These link types must match the ones in the link data. Using different link types particularly benefits the MI computation, since it can differentiate links of different types. A special anyLink type is also supported for EDB data, which treats all links as the same. Link types can be supplied as symbols or strings. If none are given the values of ExpansionLinkTypes are used.

:methods is the list of connection strength computations that should be used. Currently supported are :mi, :group-mi, :mi-or-group-mi, :link-count and :connectivity (which is computed implicitly as part of link counting). Defaults to the value of ExpansionMethods (or (:connectivity :link-count :group-mi) if not specified). :methods can be specified as symbols, keywords or strings.

:measures is a list of measures computed by the specified :methods that will be used to determine the final connection strength. If there are more than one measure, they will be averaged (bagging). Each strength computation method produces a number of associated measures such as maximum and average values, etc. See the documentation of ExpansionMeasures for a full list.

:boost?, :boost-min-seeds, :boost-factor, :boost-min-step and :boost-max-cycles control boosting. See the documentation of the corresponding configuration parameters for more information.

:depth specifies to which depth the graph around seed members should be expanded. Defaults to the value of ExpansionDepth (or 1 if not specified). IMPORTANT: due to graph fanout this value has a big impact on run time. Use values larger than 1 only for cases with very small seed groups (e.g., 1-5 members) and increase it only one step at a time if needed.

:top-N specifies how many of the members of an extended group should be kept after the strength computation is complete. If it is not supplied, all members will be kept.

:module can be specified to be the module in which group extension will be performed. It defaults to DATASET. All new extended members of each group will be interned into the global objects table.

Command: get-all-groups () : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Return all groups currently loaded into the objects table. The resulting list is a sorted list of known groups followed by a sorted list of unknown groups.

Command: get-all-known-groups () : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Return all known groups (i.e., groups with known name) currently loaded into the objects table. The resulting list will be sorted in ascending order by group name.

Command: get-all-objects ((kind OBJECT-KIND)) : (CONS OF GENERIC-OBJECT)
Return a list of all currently defined objects of kind (a keyword).

Command: get-all-unknown-groups () : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Return all unknown groups (i.e., hypothesized groups whose name is unknown) currently loaded into the objects table. The resulting list will be sorted in ascending order by group name.

Command: get-nof-objects ((kind OBJECT-KIND)) : INTEGER
Return the number of objects of kind (a keyword) stored in the object table.

Command: get-parameter ((parameter NAME) &rest (defaultValue OBJECT)) : OBJECT
Lookup parameter (a string or symbol) in the configuration table and return its value. If it is undefined, return the optional defaultValue. Note that parameter is evaluated and will need to be quoted if supplied as a symbol. Symbols will also be upcased if this command is run in a non-case- sensitive module such as KOJAK.

Command: hypothesize-unknown-groups (&rest (options OBJECT)) : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Hypothesize seeds for unknown groups by collecting event participants into groups and return the list of hypothesized seed groups. Group and event information is taken from the groups and events currently loaded into the global objects table (i.e., this needs to run after retrieve-groups and retrieve-events). The set of events can be restricted by supplying them in the :events option. Runs in the the module specified by the :module option (defaults to DATASET). A :mode option can be supplied as :aggressive, :conservative (the default) or :very-conservative to control the manner in which unknown groups are hypothesized. :conservative will use events whose responsible group is not known but some or all of the event participants might have known group associations. :aggressive will collect event participants of all events into groups (even if the responsible group is known). :very-conservative is like :conservative but additionally requires that none of the participants have any known group associations.

Command: import-data-into-edb (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
Import data from text files into the KOJAK EDB. This is useful if datasets are large but not available directly from an existing database. Also it allows for multiple runs without having to load the data every time. Currently only import from CSV files is supported, i.e., all source files must have a .csv extension. The :DATA-SOURCE option can be used to specify either directly the source file or a data key from the configuration file (the default is Data). If a data key is specified, all its values will be loaded. If :CLEAR-EDB? is supplied as TRUE, the current content of the EDB will be cleared before new content will be loaded. Without that, data will be added incrementally.

Command: initialize-kojak (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
Initialize the KOJAK environment with configuration, ontology and EDB schema information. If :CONFIG-FILE is supplied re/load configuration information from the given file. The ontology will be loaded if :LOAD-ONTOLOGY? is TRUE (the default). Otherwise, the ontology can be loaded explicitly by calling load-kojak-ontology (which see). The EDB schema will be loaded if :LOAD-EDB-SCHEMA? is TRUE (the default). Otherwise, the schema can be loaded explicitly with load-EDB-schema (which see). If :CLEAR-OLD-HYPOTHESES? is TRUE (defaults to the value of the configuration parameter ClearOldHypotheses), old hypotheses will be cleared from the hypothesis tables of the KOJAK DB.

Command: kojak-log ((logLevel KEYWORD) &rest (message OBJECT)) :
Log all elements of message to the current log stream if logLevel is lower or the same as the current KOJAK log level.

Command: kojak-log-objects ((logLevel KEYWORD) &rest (message OBJECT)) :
Log all elements of message to the current log stream if logLevel is lower or the same as the current KOJAK log level. The last element of message is assumed to be a list of GENERIC-OBJECTs which will be printed with print-object-list.

Command: load-edb-schema (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
Load relevant EDB schema & ontology information into PowerLoom to facilitate access to various EDB tables. Loading is done by loading the script pointed to by the :script option which defaults to the value of the configuration parameter LoadEDBSchemaScript or KJ:scripts;load-edb-schema.plm if not specified in the configuration. Before the script is loaded, the edb instance will be pointed to the datbase identified by the :db option which should be a connection string. If :db is not specified, one of the RDBMS input data sources specified in the configuration file will be used (for example, one of the values of PrimaryData). The instance will be set in the module specified by the :module option which defaults to EDB. This module should match or be visible from the module used by the EDB schema script. If no RDBMS data source is specified, edb will remain unconnected which is ok as long as the EDB schema script does not make reference to it.

Command: load-iet-evidence-file ((file FILE-NAME) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Load the IET evidence or report file file containing synthetic evidence or reports generated by an LD component. Assertions are created in the module specified by the :module options (defaults to DATASET). If :assert-envelopes? is supplied as TRUE, assertion wrappers such as containsInformation or reportContent will be asserted also. Defines undefined concepts and relations on the fly to handle incompletely defined LD ontologies.

Command: load-csv-file ((file FILE-NAME) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Load evidence tuples from a comma separated values file into PowerLoom. Assertions are created in the module specified by the :module option (defaults to DATASET). Defines undefined concepts and relations on the fly to handle incompletely defined LD ontologies.

Command: load-data (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
Load all primary data into the module specified by the :module option which defaults to DATASET (specific hard-coded PL and LD modules are used for certain IET EDBs). Loading data might mean actually loading the data into the PowerLoom KR&R system or only loading certain parts + mapping rules that connect PowerLoom to the evidence database. For large datasets, it is recommended that the data is stored in the database and only accessed selectively through PowerLoom's RDBMS interface. What data gets loaded and how can be controlled by a variety of configuration parameters and scripts (see configuration.dat for more info).

Command: load-kojak-configuration (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
Load configuration information from :config-file (which defaults to the most recently loaded configuration file or configuration.dat). A list of command line arguments can be supplied via the :cmd-line-args which override any information with the same key provided in the configuration file. The syntax is a list of strings, for example, '("-c" "myconfig.dat").

Command: load-kojak-ontology (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
Load the KOJAK ontology unless it is already loaded. Loads the ontology by loading the value of :SCRIPT which defaults to the value of the configuration parameter LoadOntologyScript (or KJ:scripts;load-ontology.plm if not specified in the configuration).

Command: merge-groups (&rest (options OBJECT)) : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Write Me

Command: print-parameters () :
Print all current configuration and parameter information to standard output.

Command: print-similarity-matrix ((logLevel KEYWORD) (baseGroups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) (otherGroups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
If logLevel is <= the current log level print the similarity matrix matching baseGroups to otherGroups to the log output stream.

Command: report-groups ((groups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Report each of groups to a report file specified by the :file option (defaults to the ReportFile parameter). If a :directory option is given (defaults to ReportDirectory or the empty string), it will be prepended to form the full report file name. :if-exists can be used to specify what to do if the report file already exists. Supported values are :append, :supersede (the default) or :error. :format (defaults to ReportFormat) controls the output format. Supported formats are CSV-Table, IET-Report, IET-Y3-Report and IET-Y3-Report. If no format is specified it will be inferred from the report file extension (.csv is interpreted as CSV-Table, everything else is interpreted as IET-Report). The :threshold-function option can be used to point to a specialized STELLA thresholding function. Without that, thresholding will be performed relative to the various thresholding parameters specified in the configuration file. :report-factor can be used to specify a fraction of group members to be reported, e.g., to force a certain percentage of over or underreporting. For example, 1.2 would specify 20% overreporting on top of what thresholding would normally produce (the default is 1.0). If :report-member-weights? is TRUE, hypothesized group members will be annotated with a weight indicating how strongly they are deemed to be a group member (defaults to the value of ReportMemberWeights). If weights are reported, the :weight-decimals option determines how many decimals behind the decimal point are used to print the weight in fixed-point format (defaults to the value of WeightDecimals or 6). The computed number of to-be-reported members will usually wind up somewhere within a run of members with equal membership weights. The value of :last-run-cutoff determines how this last run should be cut. The default is :inclusive which will keep all members of this last run (see the documentation of the LastRunCutoff parameter for more information). If :report-names? is TRUE groups and members will be reported with their namestrings if appropriately defined by GROUPS/nameString assertions or rules (defaults to the value of ReportNames). :module specifies the module relative to which output will be peformed (defaults to DATASET). Arbitrary other options can also be specified which are passed on to :threshold-function.

Command: reset-kojak () :
Reset KOJAK to its initial state but preserve the currently loaded configuration and configuration file setting. load-kojak-configuration or initialize-kojak can be used subsequently to change the configuration if necessary. CAUTION: This will destroy all loaded data and ontologies and might break other loaded STELLA systems if they do reference KOJAK symbols in their code.

Command: retrieve-events (&rest (options OBJECT)) : (CONS OF GENERIC-EVENT)
Retrieve all events and their participants from the PowerLoom KB in the module specified by the :module option (defaults to DATASET) and return them as a list of event objects. Also interns events in the global object table as a side effect.

Command: retrieve-groups (&rest (options OBJECT)) : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Retrieve all groups and their members from the PowerLoom KB in the module specified by the :module option (defaults to DATASET) and return them as a list of group objects. Also interns the retrieved groups in the global object table as a side effect.

Command: retrieve-modes (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
For each group supplied to the :groups option (defaults to all known groups) retrieve all the vulnerability modes that group uses and assign the :MODES-USED attribute accordingly. Performs retrieval in :module which defaults to DATASET.

Command: run-kojak () :
Top level invocation of the KOJAK Group Finder. All the actual work is done by the commands in the top-level run script specified by the RunKojakScript configuration property.

Command: set-parameter ((parameter NAME) (value OBJECT)) :
Set parameter (a string or symbol) in the configuration table to value. Note that parameter is evaluated and will need to be quoted if supplied as a symbol. Symbols will also be upcased if this command is run in a non-case-sensitive module such as KOJAK.

Command: threshold-groups ((groups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
For each group in groups compute the number of members to report or output and destructively remove all extraneous members. If groups is NULL all groups loaded into the current objects table will be thresholded. Uses the value of the :threshold-function option to do the actual computation (defaults to compute-nof-members-to-report-from-configuration). If :report-factor is given determine how many members should be reported and then multiply that by the given factor (default = 1.0) which allows over or underreporting. The computed number of to-be-reported members will usually wind up somewhere within a run of members with equal membership weights. The value of :last-run-cutoff determines how this last run should be cut. The default is :inclusive which will keep all members of this last run (see the documentation of the LastRunCutoff parameter for more information). Performs thresholding in the module specified by :module which defaults to DATASET. Any other options will be passed on to the threshold computation function.

9.1 Important PowerLoom Commands  
9.2 Important RDBMS Commands  
9.3 XTIE-Specific Commands for IET Datasets  

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9.1 Important PowerLoom Commands

The following commands are an important subset of PowerLoom commands that are used to define and load ontologies, make assertions, queries, etc. The full set of PowerLoom commands can be found in the PowerLoom manual (see http://www.isi.edu/isd/LOOM/PowerLoom/).

N-Command: ask (&rest (proposition&options PARSE-TREE)) : TRUTH-VALUE
Perform inference to determine whether the proposition specified in proposition&options is true. Return the truth-value found. ask will spend most of its effort to determine whether the proposition is true and only a little effort via shallow inference strategies to determine whether it is false. To find out whether a proposition is false with full inference effort ask its negation.

KIF example: (ask (happy Fred)) will return TRUE if Fred was indeed found to be happy. Note, that for this query to run, the logic constant Fred and the relation happy must already be defined (see assert). Use (set/unset-feature goal-trace) to en/disable goal tracing of the inference engine.

The ask command supports the following options: :TIMEOUT is an integer or floating point time limit, specified in seconds. For example, the command (ask (nervous Fred) :timeout 2.0) will cease inference after two seconds if a proof has not been found by then. If the :DONT-OPTIMIZE? is given as TRUE, it tells PowerLoom to not optimize the order of clauses in the query before evaluating it. This is useful for cases where a specific evaluation order of the clauses is required (or the optimizer doesn't do the right thing). If :THREE-VALUED is given as TRUE, PowerLoom will try to prove the negation of the query with full effort in case the given query returned UNKNOWN. By default, PowerLoom uses full effort to prove the query as stated and only a little opportunistic effort to see whether it is actually false.

N-Command: assert ((proposition PARSE-TREE)) : OBJECT
Assert the truth of proposition. Return the asserted proposition object. KIF example: "(assert (happy Fred))" asserts that Fred is indeed happy. Note that for this assertion to succeed, the relation happy must already be defined. If the constant Fred has not yet been created, it is automatically created as a side-effect of calling assert.

N-Command: assert-from-query ((query CONS) &rest (options OBJECT)) : (CONS OF PROPOSITION)
Evaluate query, instantiate the query proposition for each generated solution and assert the resulting propositions. The accepted syntax is as follows:

 (assert-from-query <query-command>
                    [:relation <relation-name>]
                    [:pattern <description-term>]
                    [:module <module-name>])

<query-command> has to be a strict or partial retrieval command. If a :relation option is supplied, <relation-name> is used as the relation of the resulting propositions. In this case the bindings of each solution will become arguments to the specified relation in the order of querys output variables (the arities have to match). The :pattern option is a generalization of this mechanism that specifies an arbitrary proposition pattern to be instantiated by the query's solution. In this case <description-term> has to be a SETOFALL or KAPPA expression whose IO-variables will be bound in sequence to the bindings of a query solution to generate the resulting proposition. Finally, if a :module option is specified, the assertions will be generated in that module. Note that for this to work the relations referenced in the query proposition or pattern have to be visible in the module. Also, instances will not be copied to the target module, therefore, the resulting propositions might reference external out-of-module objects in case they are not visible there. Here are some examples:

 (assert-from-query (retrieve all (foo ?x ?y)))
 (assert-from-query (retrieve all (?y ?x)
                             (exists ?z
                               (and (foo ?x ?z)
                                    (foo ?z ?y))))
                    :relation bar :module other)
   (retrieve all (and (relation ?x) (symmetric ?x)))
   :pattern (kappa (?pred)
              (forall (?x ?y)
                (=> (holds ?pred ?x ?y)
                    (holds ?pred ?y ?x))))))

N-Command: cc (&rest (name NAME)) : CONTEXT
Change the current context to the one named name. Return the value of the new current context. If no name is supplied, return the pre-existing value of the current context. cc is a no-op if the context reference cannot be successfully evaluated.

N-Command: clear-module (&rest (name NAME)) :
Destroy all objects belonging to module name or any of its children. If no name is supplied, the current module will be cleared after confirming with the user. Important modules such as STELLA are protected against accidental clearing.

N-Command: defconcept (&rest (args PARSE-TREE)) : NAMED-DESCRIPTION
Define (or redefine) a concept. The accepted syntax is:

 (defconcept <conceptconst> [(<var> <parent>*)]
    [:documentation <string>]
    [:<= <sentence>] | [:=> <sentence>] |
    [:<<= <sentence>] | [:=>> <sentence>] | 
    [:<=> <sentence>] | [:<=>> <sentence>] | [:<<=> <sentence>] |
    [:<<=>> <sentence>] |
    [:axioms {<sentence> | (<sentence>+)}] |

Declaration of a concept variable <var> is optional, unless any implication (arrow) options are supplied that need to reference it. A possibly empty list of concept names following <var> is taken as the list of parents of <conceptconst>. Alternatively, parents can be specified via the :=> option. If no parents are specified, the parent of <conceptconst> is taken to be THING. <keyword-option> represents a keyword followed by a value that states an assertion about <conceptconst>. See defrelation for a description of <keyword-option>s.

N-Command: deffunction (&rest (args PARSE-TREE)) : NAMED-DESCRIPTION
Define (or redefine) a logic function. The accepted syntax is:

 (deffunction <funconst> (<vardecl>+) [:-> <vardecl>]
    [:documentation <string>]
    [:<= <sentence>] | [:=> <sentence>] |
    [:<<= <sentence>] | [:=>> <sentence>] | 
    [:<=> <sentence>] | [:<=>> <sentence>] |
    [:<<=> <sentence>] | [:<<=>> <sentence>] |
    [:axioms {<sentence> | (<sentence>+)}]

Function parameters can be typed or untyped. If the :-> option is supplied, it specifies the output variable of the function. Otherwise, the last variable in the parameter list is used as the output variable. See defrelation for a description of <keyword-option>s.

N-Command: defobject (&rest (args PARSE-TREE)) : LOGIC-OBJECT
Define (or redefine) a logic instance. The accepted syntax is:

 (defobject <constant>
    [:documentation <string>]

<keyword-option> represents a keyword followed by a value that states an assertion about <constant>. See defrelation for a description of <keyword-option>s.

defobject provides a sugar-coated way to assert a collection of facts about a logic constant, but otherwise adds nothing in terms of functionality.

N-Command: defrelation (&rest (args PARSE-TREE)) : NAMED-DESCRIPTION
Define (or redefine) a logic relation. The accepted syntax is:

 (defrelation <relconst> (<vardecl>+)
    [:documentation <string>]
    [:<= <sentence>] | [:=> <sentence>] |
    [:<<= <sentence>] | [:=>> <sentence>] | 
    [:<=> <sentence>] | [:<=>> <sentence>] |
    [:<<=> <sentence>] | [:<<=>> <sentence>] |
    [:axioms {<sentence> | (<sentence>+)}]

Relation parameters can be typed or untyped. <keyword-option> represents a keyword followed by a value that states an assertion about <relconst>. For example, including the option :foo bar states that the proposition (foo <relconst> bar) is true. :foo (bar fum) states that both (foo <relconst> bar) and (foo <relconst> fum) are true. :foo true states that (foo <relconst>) is true, :foo false states that (not (foo <relconst>)) is true.

N-Command: in-module ((name NAME)) : MODULE
Change the current module to the module named name.

Command: load ((file STRING) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Read logic commands from file and evaluate them. By default, this will check for each asserted proposition whether an equivalent proposition already exists and, if so, not assert the duplicate. These duplicate checks are somewhat expensive though and can be skipped by setting the option :check-duplicates? to false. This can save time when loading large KBs where it is known that no duplicate assertions exist in a file.

N-Command: retrieve (&rest (query PARSE-TREE)) : QUERY-ITERATOR
Retrieve elements of a relation (tuples) that satisfy a proposition. The accepted syntax is:

  (retrieve [<integer> | all]
            [[{<vardecl> | (<vardecl>+)}]

The variables and proposition are similar to an exists sentence or kappa term without the explicit quantifier. If variables are declared, they must match the free variables referenced by <proposition>. Otherwise, the free variables referenced in <proposition> will be used as the query variables. If <proposition> is omitted, the most recently asked query will be continued.

A solution is a set of bindings for the listed variables for which <proposition> is true. The optional first argument controls how many solutions should be generated before control is returned. The keyword all indicates that all solutions should be generated. By default, retrieve returns after it has found one new solution or if it cannot find any more solutions.

retrieve returns an iterator which saves all the necessary state of a query and stores all generated solutions. When used interactively, the returned iterator will print out with the set of solutions collected so far. Calling retrieve without any arguments (or only with the first argument) will generate one (or more) solutions to the most recently asked query.

KIF examples:

  (retrieve (happy ?x))

will try to find one happy entity and store it in the returned query iterator.

  (retrieve 10 (happy ?x))

will try to find 10 happy entities.

  (retrieve 10)

will try to find the next 10 happy entities..

  (retrieve all (happy ?x))

will find all happy entities.

  (retrieve all (?x Person) (happy ?x))

will to find all happy people. Here we used the optional retrieve variable syntax to restrict the acceptable solutions. The above is equivalent to the following query:

  (retrieve all (and (Person ?x) (happy ?x)))


  (retrieve all (?x Person))
  (retrieve all (Person ?x))
  (retrieve all ?x (Person ?x))

will find all people. Note that in the first case we only specify a query variable and its type but omit the logic sentence which defaults to TRUE. This somewhat impoverished looking query can be paraphrased as "retrieve all ?x of type Person such that TRUE."

  (retrieve ?x (or (happy ?x) (parent-of Fred ?x)))

will try to find a person that is happy or has Fred as a parent.

  (retrieve (?y ?x) (parent-of ?x ?y))

will try to find the one pair of parent/child and return it in the order of child/parent.

  (retrieve all (?x Person)
            (exists (?y Person) (parent-of ?x ?y)))

will generate the set of all parents. Note, that for these queries to run, the class Person, the relations happy and parent-of, and the logic constant Fred must already be defined (see assert).

Use (set/unset-feature trace-subgoals) to en/disable goal tracing of the inference engine.

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9.2 Important RDBMS Commands

The following commands are an important subset of PowerLoom commands that deal with its relational database interface. These commands are particularly important for advanced configuration with an external relational evidence database.

N-Command: defdb (&rest (args PARSE-TREE)) : LOGIC-OBJECT
Define (or redefine) a database instance. The accepted syntax is:

 (defdb <dbconst>
    [:protocol <protocol string>]
    [:server-type <server type string>]
    [:dsn <ODBC data-source name string>]
    [:odbc-connection-string <ODBC connection string>]
    [:jdbc-connection-string <JDBC connection string>]
    [:connection-string <connection string>] ;; deprecated
    [:host <server host string>]
    [:port <server host port>]
    [:user <user name string>]
    [:password <password string>]
    [:db-name <database name string>]

Connection information can be asserted explicitly later or be done programmatically, as long as it is done before the first time a connection attempt is made (e.g., during a query). This information is passed to SDBC/connect (which see for more documentation on ways to specify a connection). For example, for ODBC a :DSN, an :ODBC-CONNECTION-STRING or an appropriate combination of :HOST, :PORT, :USER, :PASSWORD AND :DB-NAME can be used. For JDBC a :JDBC-CONNECTION-STRING or combination of :HOST, :PORT, etc. can be used. See defobject for additional legal keyword options.

N-Command: defquery (&rest (args PARSE-TREE)) : LOGIC-OBJECT
Define (or redefine) an (external) query and map it to a relation. The accepted syntax is:

 (defquery <relconst> (<vardecl>+)
    {:query-pattern (<query-evaluator> <dbconst> <arguments-string>)}*

<query-evaluator> has to be a Computed-Procedure that takes the following three arguments: the <relconst> query proposition, the database object <dbconst> and the arguments string. It needs to return an iterator that generates CONS tuples whose elements will be bound in sequence to <relconst>'s arguments.

See defrelation for other legal keyword options.

N-Command: deftable (&rest (args PARSE-TREE)) : LOGIC-OBJECT
Define (or redefine) a database table and map it to a relation. The accepted syntax is:

 (deftable <relconst> <dbconst> <tablename> (<columndecl>+)

<columndecl>'s specify the names (and optionally types) of the columns of the database table. They have the same form as a PowerLoom <vardecl>, but column names can be specified with or without question marks. If there is a question mark it will be stripped to determine the column name, otherwise a question mark will be added to generate the relation variable. The optional type specifies the domain of that argument and controls any necessary coercion. The name of each column HAS TO MATCH one of the columns of <tablename>, however, the order is irrelevant and arbitrary projections can be defined by only specifying some subset of <tablename>'s columns.

See defrelation for legal keyword options.

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9.3 XTIE-Specific Commands for IET Datasets

The following commands are specific to IET datasets and the XTIE collaboration during the Y2.5 and Y3 evaluations. They are not useful for general applications.

Command: retrieve-event-modes (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
For each event supplied to the :events option (defaults to all known events) retrieve all the exploitation modes used in that event and assign the :MODES-USED attribute accordingly. Performs retrieval in :module which defaults to DATASET.

Command: xtie-assign-member-weights-from-annotations (&rest (options OBJECT)) :
KLUDGE: after loading CMU groups and objectifying them we look for weight assertion and use them to assign membership weights for each group object. This allows us to report members in reports in the correct order.

Command: xtie-load-case-teams ((file STRING) &rest (options OBJECT)) : (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)
Load case hypotheses from file, generate threat team hypotheses for them and return the resulting list of unknown groups/teams. Loads evidence into the module specified by the :module option (defaults to DATASET). Event teams won't be loaded into the global objects table to avoid interference with real groups.

Command: xtie-load-merge-and-report-case-teams ((sourceFile STRING) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Load case teams from sourceFile, merge them with currently loaded KOJAK groups and write the merged version of sourceFile to :report-file (defaults to <sourceFile>.merge).

Command: xtie-merge-case-teams-and-groups ((teams (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) (groups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP))) :
Foreach case team in teams find the best matching group in groups and make that the performer of the corresponding case event. Also migrate any modes used in the case to the responsible group.

Command: xtie-report-merged-case-teams ((sourceFile STRING) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Read expressions from sourceFile and copy them onto :report-file which defaults to <sourceFile>.merge. If we are copying a VulnerabilityExploitationCase and now its responsible group, add an appropriate performedBy assertion. The reason we do this almost literal copying is that the alert reports have various intricate structure and order that we don't want to mess up. For this to work it is important that xtie-merge-case-teams-and-groups was run first.

Command: xtie-report-secondary-data-accesses ((file STRING) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Write Me

Command: xtie-report-threat-individuals ((groups (CONS OF GENERIC-GROUP)) (file STRING) &rest (options OBJECT)) :
Write Me

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