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Re: new nsallinone version

Hugh Smith wrote:
> 2) After doing the ./install, which works for everything but xgraph,
> I tried to run ns against the simulation examples 1 and 2 I created
> when running Marc Greis's Tutorial.  While these worked fine with
> version 2.1b2 they generate a segfault when run with version 2.1b3.
> I also get a segfault when I try to run the simulation
> ns-2/tcl/ex/simple-dyn.tcl in the new version but it works fine in
> version 2.1b2.

Ok, I finally had the time to install the new all-in-one version too 
(I had been working with a two-week-old snapshot of ns compiled into 
the previous all-in-one version). I encountered the following problems:

Just like Hugh Smith, I also get Segmentation Faults. I can fix that by
turning trace generation for nam ($ns namtrace-all) off. I would guess
that this is the reason why the validation suite works just fine, since 
it doesn't generate nam traces.

The IntServ test suite (tcl/ex/test-suite-intserv.tcl) doesn't work for 
me with the new all-in-one ns. It still worked just fine with the last
snapshot that I got (as I said, about two weeks ago). Since my own code 
is based on it, it doesn't work either.

A possible problem: As I said, I couldn't get nam traces to work yet,
but at least the last snapshot produced nam traces for nam version
1.0b6, but in the all-in-one release, version 1.0a4 was included. Or
was that changed in the last two weeks?

Anyway, perhaps Hugh and I are both making the same mistakes. I think 
I have all paths set correctly though, both the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and 
the path to the Tcl/Tk binaries. Any ideas what could be going wrong?



Marc Greis                                           [email protected]