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Problem with NAM while playing animation

Hi folks,

I have downloaded and successfully rebuilt ns-allinone-2.1b5 in HPUX
10.20 platform, which also includes nam-1.0a7. After that I want to get
things started by begining with the tutorial of Greis (available at
http://tintan.cs.uni-bonn.de/~greis/ns/ns.html). I could run the first
examples but while trying the network dynamic example, NAM failed. This
example descibes a ring network where the routing adjusts to the
topology when a link is broken down at time 1. 

I was be able to run the animation until time 1, but at time 1, NAM
crashed giving the following message:

$ nam out.nam

Cannot connect to existing nam instance. Starting a new one...
Virtual memory exceeded in 'new'

It is a rather small simulation and unlikely that it consumes much
memory on the system. I have also referred to the NAM FAQ but didn't
find any information about this error. Can anybody help me to deal with

Thank you very much.


    Nguyen Huu Thanh                      

    Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen  
    Institut fuer informationstechnische Systeme
    Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
    85577 Neubiberg                        
    Tel.: +49 89 6004-2279                   
    Email: [email protected]  