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Re: Problem with LAN and Multicast..


In the patch that I gave you, replace:

	if {[$rpfl info class] == "Vlink"} {
		set tmp [[$tmp rpf-nbr $target] rpf-nbr $target]


	if {[$rpfl info class] == "Vlink"} {
		set downstreamtmp [$tmp rpf-nbr $target]
		set tmp [[$tmp rpf-nbr $target] rpf-nbr $target]


>>> "Apinun" == Apinun Tunpan <[email protected]> writes:

Apinun> The patch only quells and stops the tcl breakdown, but another
Apinun> problem still persists: there's no packet activity in the LAN.
Apinun> In the configuration below, my simulation showed that
Apinun> multicast members m1 and p1 receive no packets..  Do you
Apinun> experience the same problem in your ns build ?

Apinun> Thanks, Apinun.