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Progress meter for ns

I find this useful for long running simulations...Prints a text line
indicating progress at whatever interval you specify:

# Simple progress monitor for ns
# George F. Riley, Georgia Tech, Spring 1999

Simulator instproc progress { } {
    global progress_interval
    puts [format "Progress to %6.1f seconds" [$self now]]
    if { ![info exists progress_interval] } {
	set progress_interval [$self now]
    $self at [expr [$self now] + $progress_interval] "$self progress"

To use it, include the above proc definition, and then somewhere in your

$ns at 10.0 "$ns progress"

(for example...)  This one prints out at 10 second intervals, but specify
whatever value is useful for your script.  The intervals are SIMULATED
time, not wall clock time...

			-George F. Riley ([email protected])