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Re: Tcl problem & gen-map

Alton Yu wrote:
> Mickael,
> Perhaps, you can try calling the "gen-map" proc in ns-trace.tcl in your
> script before "$ns run". It outputs a clear view of the network that you
> have created. :)
> Alton.

I didn't know this feature of ns, but it doesn't
produce anything for my simulation. I use the snapshot
and this is the begining of the code. (the commentary
is not mine :-) )

Simulator instproc gen-map {} {
	# Did you ever see such uglier code? duh?

	$self instvar Node_ link_ MobileNode_

	set nn [Node set nn_]> 

Maybe there is an error because one time Node_ is used
and another time it is Node ? I don't know enough internals
to debug it.

