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Re: May I ask another small question about RSVP/ns?


Yes. I don't know if the RSVP/ns continue to refresh the Resv message as the Path message. 

I had problem with the "gethrtime()" function (in constructor RSVP), because the Linux don't have this function. How did you solve ?



> Hello,
>      I forget asking a question in previous emails.
> It seems, in RSVP/ns, the reciver does not automatically send Resv 
> message when it gets the path message. It seems, in RSVP/ns, it is 
> compulsory to use "<rsvp-agent> reserve... " to send Resv Message from 
> receiver? Perhaps, I do not understand RSVP/ns well enough. Would you 
> please give me a reply for this question. 
>         Thanks a lot!
>         Regards,
>               Sun Kai 