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Re: Bonehead Question...

Re-run install and dump the output into a file and send it to me.


>>> "EDI@SA" == EDI@SA  <Kressaty> writes:

EDI@SA> Ok, I know this is a bone-head, FNG question. But I have been
EDI@SA> wrestling with this thing all day.

EDI@SA> I just installed the latest version of Red Hat, and the latest
EDI@SA> ns-allinone... The files are all in the right place (
EDI@SA> /usr/local/NS/..... ).  When I'm trying to execute the
EDI@SA> ./install file from the 'allinone' directory I get the 'file
EDI@SA> not found/does not exist' error. I have added the directory to
EDI@SA> my PATH statement in my .cshrc file, moved it's location to
EDI@SA> the front of the PATH statement, checked permissions on the
EDI@SA> files and directories.  Everything looks to be in order. What
EDI@SA> am I doing wrong, or what should I try that I already haven't?

EDI@SA> Thanks Darren Kressaty