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Re: Variuous links on the same interface

You should not have a problem.  If this is a part of a bigger program,
then simplify the program to contain just the node creation and
establishing links between them.


>>> "Claudia" == Claudia Jacy Barenco <[email protected]> writes:

Claudia> Dear users, Im trying to configure three simplex links
Claudia> between the same nodes but I receive an error.  Im wondering
Claudia> if is not possible to establish various logical links on the
Claudia> same physical interface.  Thanks for attention.

Claudia> *************************************** Cl�udia Jacy Barenco
Claudia> Polythecnic University of Madrid Telematic Systems
Claudia> E.T.S.I. Telecommunication Madrid - Spain
Claudia> ***************************************